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"Where are we going?" It was the end of Mark's shift, and we were now in his car, riding to somewhere Mark had not yet given me the knowledge of. The air was tense, yet I still felt safe. I always felt safe near him

Mark just had that aura. A trustworthy one, one where you felt like even if you were just stabbed in the back and left in the ocean to die you somehow knew that everything would be okay because he was there.

"The hospital." I raised an eyebrow and Mark looked at me and smiled. "Dr. Dennis called me. It's time to get that bandage off."

My eyes widened and I instantly sat up in my seat. "Really?!"

Mark laughed, driving out of the parking lot. "Yep. And after this, he wants to get to work on some therapy methods to help get back your memory."

I grinned, unable to help myself from leaning over and hugging his arm. He chuckled, and by the time I pulled away his cheeks were tinted with blush.

It only took a few more minutes before we reached the hospital, and I was so eager I didn't even wait for Mark to do the usual I'm-a-gentleman-so-let-me-open-the-door-for-you thing, I just hopped right out. I ran towards the building, bumping into Mark as he came around the car. I jumped back, my face glowing as I apologetically smiled.

Mark looked down at me, a small yet cunning smile on his face. I quickly grabbed his hand, dragging him with me. "Cmon!" I pulled him and he laughed, walking with me.

After a few minutes of waiting in the lobby, Mark and I standing against the wall awkwardly since it was packed, a nurse with dirty blonde hair stepped out of a room, holding a clipboard. I instantly stood up and so did Mark.

The woman looked down at her clipboard, then around the room. "Jack McLoughlin?" I smiled, stepping forward. She gave me a cheery smile, opening the door up all the way. "First room on the left."

A/N: Thank you all for 666 followers!!!!

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