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Time seemed to stop as the memories came flooding back in a wave.

Light from the moon shone through the thin curtains, illuminating our bodies. Cold rough fingers ran across my chest, and I couldn't help but whimper as he sucked my neck. "A-Ah~" He smirked against my skin, playing with the trim of my shirt as he pinned me to the bed. I bit my lip, muffling my noises.

He pulled away, smirking down at my blushing figure. His black hair was a little ruffled, and his eyes shone with lust. "Everything okay Sean?"

I blushed, propping myself on my elbows. "I...I don't know how to explain it." He rose an eyebrow and I looked off to the side, biting the side of my lip. "I-I guess."

He sighed, leaning back down to plant a light kiss on my neck. "Try, baby."

I tried to focus, bringing back the memories from earlier that evening. "It's just...my ma..."

The kisses stopped. I gulped.

"She's worried." I could feel the sweat forming. "About...us. About me."

He abruptly pulled back, his head hitting my jaw. I flinched, ignoring the sharp pain. I had awoken a sleeping giant, something much more worth my attention.

His eyes shone with sudden anger, the lust gone. "Your mother is a whore and a homophobe, Sean."

"She's not a h-"

"Then why does she want us apart?" His voice had a sharp edge, making me flinch. I hated it, hated when he got like this. When the guy I loved disappeared, and turned into this jealous creature fueled by rage.

He scared me.


His eyes narrowed, and his hold on my hips became rough and hard. I tried not to show my discomfort, though I knew there'd be bruises there tomorrow. "I. Want. An. Answer."

Tears welled in my eyes, but I didn't look away from him. "She knows what you did. To Steven, that you were the one who pushed him off that tree-"

"You fucking told her?!"

My shoulders began to shake, and I couldn't hold the tears. Fear overwhelmed me. "She's my ma!"

"She's a fucking hoe, and that was between us you pea brain!"


A sharp slap across the face, and I gave up.

My shoulders shook violently as I sobbed. He pinned me again, biting roughly on my neck. "S-Stop! STOP!"

He stopped biting, but didn't let me go. "You're mine, you hear me?"


"Shhh, stop crying love." I didn't stop the tears. "I'm tired of this business," His voice was soft again. "I'm tired of her trying to keep us apart, Baby."


"Tomorrow, we're leaving for America."


He set down the last box, sighing with a grin on his face. "That was the last one."

I smiled, walking over to him and wrapping my arms around him. He chuckled, turning his head to kiss my lips. "I love you." I mumbled, hiding my head in his chest.

He hummed, rocking us back and forth. "We're finally alone. You're finally mine.

And only mine."


We walked along the beach, hand in hand. It was a beautiful day out, and we had decided that it was finally time to head out to the waters. California had beautiful coasts, after all.

But as we were walking, my eyes fell on someone. My jaw seemed to drop as I stared at the boy in the lifegaurd chair. fluffy black hair, tan skin, tone muscles...brown eyes scanning the horizon.


I was pulled back to reality when the grip on my hand suddenly became tighter. I looked up at him, seeing his eye brown knitted and a scowl on his face as he stared at theobject of my attention. "Were you looking at him?"

My eyes widened a little, and I blushed. "N-No! Of course not." He looked down at me, a look of jealusy and something else. Something I'd seen hints of before, though it was like it was suddenly ignited into large twisting flames. "I have eyes for you, and only you.",

He stayed silent for a moment.

"...Why don't we go swim?" His words were slow and calm, but they scared me in a way I didn't know I could be.



"I hate you Jack," Tears ran down his cheeks You did this! This is YOUR FAULT!" His hands gripped my shoulders, clenching his jaw as he seethed with rage.

"Baby?!" I tried to swim back, but he pulled me roughly. "What are you doing? Why do you have a knife?!" The metal glinted in the sun. The blood drained from my face.

The giant was angry.

"I HATE YOU! You did this. I saw you, I saw your eyes!" His jealousy, his fears, they had corrupted the boy I loved. He was delirious.

"Just think about this-" I didn't have time to finish my sentence. A surge of pain rushed through me and he let me go, leaving me paralyzed. My vision blurred.

A deep cackle ran through my ears. "Slut, if I'm not enough for you then you can rot in the after life."


My eyes widened and I lurched forward, heaving. That same cackle filled the hospital room once more. I looked up, seeing Mark stare fearfully at me. But I was only looking at him. "Jonathon?"

He smirked. "Hello, Love."

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