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It was awkward, having to practically sit it Mark's lap while I felt his depressing aura surround us. I didn't mean for this, for him to be so sad. I just...I couldn't. I couldn't handle everything, it's not that I didn't like him, cause I truly did. He's been there since the beginning for me, and has done so many unbelievable things, and all for me.

Yet all I did was cast him aside in an act of selfishness.

Speaking of Mark, he currently sat with an arm around my shoulders and his eyes glued to the water. A little too dedicated to his job, just to avoid talking to me. It hurt, but I knew I deserved it. I'd been terrible to him.

I sighed, leaning into his touch. I was nervous, no doubt about that, but I needed to right this somehow. To fix what I had done, reestablish what we were. "Mark?"

"Hm?" He hummed in response, seeming to barely pay attention. Though I knew him too well, he was hurting and was trying to push that away.

I gulped, suddenly feeling uncomfortable so close to him. Even if I did love him, I still felt like this was...fake. Like he was only doing this because it was normal between us. "I..I'm sorry."

Mark sighed, finally peeling his eyes away from the water to look at me. "Stop saying that, Jack." His eyes glistened with a depressing fog, but he continued to look at me with determination. "It's not your fault. I should have known, you've been going through a lot lately and I'm sorry."


"No." Mark cut me off. "I was foolish, I should have thought first." I stayed silent, and after a moment he looked down, pulling back his arm. "I'm just...disappointed I guess."

My mind swam, guilt, passion, and longing clouding my mind. Why had I let this happen? Why'd I hurt him? "Mark?" He didn't respond, just bit his lip. "Do you really love me?" My heart pounded out of my chest.

Mark didn't let his gaze meet mine, he just stared ahead. "Yes, Jack. I really love you."

A/N: Been a looooooong time.

I'll be hinest, this may be the last Septiplier fanfic I write for a while. I don't know, I'm just having trouble right now. With myself, with what I'm doing. I may try to figure out a new system of doing things, maybe write whole books THEN release them. However, that mean maybe a month between each book, even more.

I don't know.

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