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None of this made sense. I wanted to stand up, pull him away from Mark. But I knew I had to get through this as calmly as possible, Jon was a rash man. Jon smirked, still holding the gun. "Happy to see me?"

The blood drained from my face as I came to the sudden realization: This was the man who tried to kill me.

My hands shook, but I tried, and failed, to keep a stone face. "H-How? How did you lay low for so long? Surely the police were looking for you."

Mark's eyes washed over me, confusion and awe in his dark brown eyes. Jon made a 'hmph' noise. "Of course I was a prime suspect. I mean, an amnesiac's old roommate and lover just ups and disappears? I knew I couldn't stay at our little apartment, I may be smart but I can't lie my way out of that."

"Then where'd you g-go?"

He looked over at me, a mysterious glint in his eyes. "A friend from college actually lives around here." He looed over at Mark, though Mark's eyes were trained on me. "Know a fella named Dolan?"

That got Mark's attention.

"Dolan? W-" Mark shut up real quick when the gun was aimed right back at his head again.

Jon snarled. "You don't get to talk, you whore." Mark put his hands up, his lips pressed into a thin line.

I became more alert, and sat up straight. Jon's gun instantly aimed at me, and I raised my hands too. Tears rushed down my face as anger took over. "He's not a whore! And you're not the Jonathon I fell in love with!"

"Shut up-"

"Jonathon wouldn't say that to me! Jonathon wouldn't do any of this bullshit!" The nurse took a step forward. Jon glared at me as my fists now shook not with fear but with anger. "Where the fuck is my Jon! Where's the man that loved puppies?! Where's the man that lived for those good morning kisses?! Where's the man that swore to me that no matter what happens, he'd be there to protect me and make me happy?!" The gun in Jon's hand shook, and he clenched his teeth. "GOD DAMN IT JON, DO YOU REALLY THINK THREATENING ME AND MARK WITH A GUN MAKES ME FEEL SAFE AND HAPPY?!"

Something flashes in Jon's eyes. Had I gotten through to him?

"Inject him." His voice was cold and Mark and I's eyes widened. "We're taking him with us to Delaware."

"W-Wait," The nurse strode over, grabbing my arm with surprising strength. I tried to get out of her grasp, but she practically had me pinned. "L-Let me go!" I hissed as the needle went into my arm.

My vision began to blur as I saw Jon walk over to Mark, who was yelling. "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? JACK!"

"M-Mark..." I was too tired...too tired to move...

"Any last words?" Jon aimed the gun at him.

Mark's eyes met mine, and the look of courage he had astounded me. "I..." I mumbled, "I'm s-sorry..."

Mark gave me a soft smile. "Stop saying sorry, Jack. And I love you." A gun shot echoed through the room, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

This was all my fault...

Then I heard a door open. "Hey guys, I brought flowersssssss WHAT THE FUCK?" I heard a heavy crash, some struggling, and then it all went black.


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