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I saw the static begin to form, heard the crash of the waves and our footsteps through the sand...any moment now my attacker would start talking, picking on me again or say sweet-nothings...


That didn't happen.

I wasn't going to let it.

The scenery came into focus, but I realized I wasn't on a beach any more with an attacker.

I was outside Mark's house on the porch, rain and thunder giving it an eerie, yet soothing feel. I saw that I was alone, on the porch, and instantly felt cold. "Mark?" I turned around, opening the door to the house. I walked in, looking around.

"HOWWWWWWWWWWWWL!" I gasped as a dog jumped up on me, making me stumble. I hit the door with my back, expecting to feel pain from my wound but...I no longer had a bandage? The dog, a yellow lab, licked me happily. I giggled, sinking to the ground to pet the pup.

"Jack!" I looked up, sighing when I saw Mark walking over to us. He wore an apron and oven mitts. I stood up, hugging him and catching him off guard. "Woah! Are you okay Jacky?"

I nodded into his chest. "Yeah, I'm great Mark." I smiled. "Now that I'm with you."

"I love you, Jack."

"I love you toaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAH!" I had looked up, shocked to see my lover's face had become a staticy image. I stepped back, jumping when I saw the dog's face was also static.

"WwwwhHhhaaaatsss WwwrrrrooooonnnNgggg?" Mark's voice was cracked, layered, and changed pitches rapidly. My eyes widened and I backed up until I hit the door.


Mark POV

"Shhhhhhhhhh," I stared down at Jack with worry. It was four fifty-eight in the morning, and he was shaking, mumbling in his sleep. I stroked his hair, trying to calm him down. I sighed, realizing Jack wouldn't be able to be helped. Unless...


I carefully slipped out of the bed, creeping down the hall. Dr. Panda had prescribed him pills which would help him cope with nightmares and regain memories, I need to get him a pill. Can't have my baby getting nightmares.

I grinned to myself, proud that I was finally able to call him such a thing.

I creeped through the hall, trying to be as quiet as possible as I entered the kitchen. The lights were off, and I walked towards the counter, where his pills laid. I rubbed my eyes, and suddenly stepped on something. I looked down, lifting my foot and the unknown object made a gross liquid sound. What the...? My eyes widened, and the scene came to focus.

There was blood e-everywhere, and a knife glimmered in the moonlight. What I had stepped on was a mutilated squirrel!

'H-Holy f-f-fuck!" I stepped back, walking backwards in terror. I looked up quickly, my adrenaline kicking in.

The window was open.

"JACK!" I raced out of the room, running back to the bedroom. What if this person was still in the house?! I through open our bedroom door, running to the bed to see...

He was still sleeping.

I sighed, relieved. If someone was still in the house, they hadn't gotten to Jack. I looked back at the door, wide open and moonlight streaming out into the hall.

His pills...

I was not going to leave Jack's side, in case the person who snuck in here was his attacker, here to finish the job. I crept over to the dresser, picking up my phone and then shut the bedroom door. I crawled back into the bed, wrapping a protective arm around him. Jack stirred. "M...Mark?" I looked down at him, and saw he was rubbing his eyes and sitting up like me. I put my finger to my lips, shushing him with wide eyes. Jack looked confused, but didn't speak.

I looked around before leaning over to him. "Someone's here, I need you to be quiet while I call the police." I pulled away and saw his eyes were wide with fear. I wrapped my arm around his waist, kissing his forehead. He clung to my side. I dialed 911.

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