~ TEN ~

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Mark and I both collapsed against his couch. We had spent the whole day avoiding each other's eyes, and I was sick of how we were treating each other. I mean, nothing had happened. we just had a small awkward moment, we shouldn't be letting this make the atmosphere tense.

I turned to Mark abruptly, and he looked over at me. "We need to do something." My eyes sparkled as I thought of everything we could do tonight, just us, a couple of pals having fun.

Mark sighed, crossing his arms. "What did you have in mind?"

I smiled, looking back up at the ceiling. "We should, like, have a bro's night. Do something crazy, just...have fun." I glanced back up at Mark and saw him thinking. He opened his mouth, but seemed to hesitate. I sighed, standing up. "Give me a few minutes."

Mark stared at me as I hurriedly went down the hall. I could hear him calling from the living room, "We aren't gonna do anything that'll tear up your back even more, right?!"

I laughed, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen from the desk. "No promises!" I left the room, however bumped right into Mark. I stumbled back a bit, but Mark caught me.

He didn't hesitate this time to let me go, and I could have sworn I saw a blush on his face. "What exactly will we be doing?"

I grinned, stepping back a bit. "Board games."

He paused for a second, looking at me with a blank look. "You're lame."

I laughed, grabbing his arms and swiftly leading him back to the living room. "It'll be fun, so don't be such a party pooper."

Mark sighed as I let go of his arm. "I don't even own a board game."

"Then we're going shopping."

Mark groaned, his shoulders slumping. "But it's hot outsiiiiiiiiiiiiiide."

I rolled my eyes, grabbing his arm gently. He looked up at me, his frown neutralizing and his eyes meeting mine for the first time all day. "...Please?"

We were on our way to his car thirty seconds later.

The ride mainly consisted of me talking about random things and Mark listening. He was right, it was pretty hot outside. But it was also great to be outside, staying in a house for a few days straight can get to you. "-and so that's how a mango would become president." I looked over at Mark, and noticed his attention was on something outside the window. He came to a stop at a red light. "Uh, Mark?"

Mark looked over to me, and back over at whatever was outside the window. His eyes widened, but he regulated them before turning back to me. "S-Sorry."

"What were you staring at?"

Mark looked back out the window curiously. "There was this creepy chick. Standing on the curb. She was looking at the car and had a hoodie covering her face."

"Woah, really?" I sat up, looking at the curb by the lights. "I don't see her."

"She...she just...disappeared?"

I shrugged, sitting back. Though my nerves were getting to me, I wasn't about to let that ruin our day. "Probably just some edgy teen. Come on, light's green."

Mark bit his lip, driving on.

About an hour later, we were back home with about ten different board games. Mark and I giggled, setting down the boxes. "Mark, what time is it?"

Mark looked down at his watch before plopping down on the floor across from me. "Seven forty-eight."

"Awesome!" I giggled again, digging a box out of the bag. "That means we have plenty of time for me to kick your ass."

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