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Jack, stop looking at that guy.

Aw, calm down &%(#!

Stop it.

Babe, you act like I'm gonna leave you.





Don't fucking argue with me, let's go.

You don't need to be a dick-bag about it.

Fuck you!

Sh! You're making a scene hun.


I love you, and only you.

"Agh!" I quickly sat up, my heart pounding. Another nightmare, my mind taunting me with a past just out of my reach.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. My back was drenched with sweat, and moonlight poured into the room from the window. I wiped the sweat off my forehead, laying back down. Mark wouldn't be happy if he found out about my nightmares.

Little did I know that in the other room, Mark couldn't sleep either.

~Mark POV~

What is hope?

Why do we get up in the mornings? What drives us? Pushes us to move through this unbroken cycle of depression? It's the same thing each morning, get up, go to work to make money, give away that money, go back to sleep. It's the same cycle, only taking breaks for eating, disposing of what we ate, and making meaningless conversation to distract ourselves from the painful truth. We're all trapped in this cycle until eventually we die.

Is that the meaning of life? To entertain gods with our pity?

What a waste. It's like a really shitty Sims game.

I sigh, rolling over on my bed to face the open window. The moon was huge, and I could see the beach a ways away.

I'd rejoin the cycle tomorrow, going back to my lifeguard job. I couldn't just have Dolan sub for me every day.

But I still couldn't help but wonder,

Was Dad proud of me?


Why'd it have to be him?

A/N: Drew some quality Septiplier. Draw your OTP giving piggyback rides and tag me!

I tag:





and abibabie

Draw them in this pose or write a oneshot about them giving each other piggyback rides or BOTH!

Draw them in this pose or write a oneshot about them giving each other piggyback rides or BOTH!

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