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 "I've been so confused. Y-You make me feel things...things I've never felt before. Like," Mark chuckled. "This joy I've felt in so long. You're my best friend, but more than that. Jack, you're my everything. So," He smiled. "Will you do me the honors of going out with me?"

He waited, and I finally looked up. But I wasn't smiling. His grin fell, and I bit my lip. "I'm sorry, Mark."

"Mark!" I shot up, breathing heavy. 

"Woah woah woah," tan arms grabbed my shoulder, and I looked to see Mark's boss, Anthony. His eyes shone with concern and exhaustion. "Calm down."

I calmed my breathing, taking in the scene around me. I was in yet another hospital gown, but my bandage was off. I was in a hospital bed, but in a different room. A man with ruffled brown hair in a police uniform stood at the door way, holding a clipboard.

And Mark was no where in sight.

I looked around, the color draining from my face. "Where's Mark? Is he okay? G-God," I pulled at my hair, shoulders shaking. "What did I do?!"

"Relax," Anthony said, tilting his head. "Mark's...alright. Right now."

"W-What do you mean by 'right now'?" Fears flashed through my mind. Was he badly hurt? Was he dying in another hospital room? Maybe he had actually been killed and Anthony was only telling me this to try and calm me.

Anthony looked over towards the officer, who seemed to have gotten the hint. He walked forward, sympathy in his eyes. "I'm officer Patt, but you can call me Matt."

"I'm J-Jack."

"I know." I looked down. "Listen, your friend was shot in the side. Nothing too serious, but..." He sighed. "He passed out, and we don't know exactly when he'll wake up."

Tears welled in my eyes and I took a shaky breath. "How exactly did this happen?"

"Jonathon Dennis isn't a real doctor. And Celia, the woman with him, is part of a gang here called 18th Street. You're uh,"


"Ex. Your ex apparently made a deal with them a few months back, sealing a sort of partnership. Celia was sent out to watch you and Mark." My mind instantly went back to that day in the car when mark saw a woman out on the street. "Dennis didn't have much trouble getting into here, a few fake documents were enough."

I tried to stay strong, but the tears kept coming. I was really starting to hate hospitals. "Why did he do this?"

"Listen, Jack." I shuddered, holding my face in my hands as I completely lost control. "Jealousy corrupts people. Tears them apart, it's like a fog, casting out the real person behind it. Jonathon is still in there somewhere, it's just been so long that he's lost touch with his actual self."

"I-I'll never fucking forgive him..."

"And you don't need to." Matt sighed. "But right now, I feel like what you really need is to see Mark. I'm no doctor though."

I looked up hesitantly, knowing I probably looked pathetic. "C-Can I?"

Matt smiled softly. "I'll escort you." He looked over at Anthony, who was processing the words being exchanged throughout the room. "Mind staying back for a minute? I need to ask you some questions about your employee Dolan."

Anthony nodded. "Go on ahead, Jack."

A/N: Love how you all thought it was Felix XD

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