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Mark set down a bowl of cereal in front of me, then picked his phone up from the table. "Who ya calling?" I asked, starting to eat the lovely Cinnamon Toast Crunch before me.

Mark walked back over to the table and sat across from me, his eyes never leaving the screen as he sifted through his contacts. "My boss," He sighed. "I haven't been to work in, like, two weeks. I told him I'd be taking care of you, but he gets ticked off pretty easily."

I stopped chewing, a wave of guilt flowing over me. "I'm sorry..."

Mark looked up from his phone suddenly, looking at me with surprised eyes. "Oh no, Jack! It's okay, Anthony - my boss - and I are close. He'll understand." I looked away, still feeling guilty. Something told me I shouldn't worry, but still. Mark had been so amazing the past two weeks, what if I had gotten him fired? "Jack, look at me." I looked up, catching his eyes. But there was something different about them, a twinkle I hadn't seen since before this morning. They were...richer. The brown shade seemed to be a spiral of colors, all yelling something as though his emotion were obvious, but at the same time it was vague. "It's not your fault. I should have been checking up on work more often, we've certainly had time to." I stared at him in not-so-subtle wonder, my mouth open a little as I studied his eyes. He sighed, "I'll talk to him outside, so you don't have to worry." He stood up. "But hurry up and eat, you need to get dressed. We're going somewhere today."

I snapped out of my trance. "Where?"

"Dr. Panda's office. He's a therapist, Dr. Dennis recommended we take you there, for, like, getting back your memory and dealing with any sort of trauma."

"I don't have trauma."

"We haven't been to the ocean since that day, Jack."

He had a point, in fact, just the thought of the waters there seemed to enhance the pain in my upper left back. Mark stared at me for a second before walking out of the kitchen. I kept eating as I heard the front door open and close.

A/N: I support her.

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