~ TWO ~

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"Oh God, there's so much blood!"

"Let me go with him."

"Sorry, friends and family only-"

"I saved his life. I feel like I get a pass."

At some point before the guy had brought me back to the shore, I had passed out. My vision kept coming and going along with my hearing. Lights were bright, and I could hear many people around me. I felt stressed, but no physical pain. I was too numb...

...I just want to sleep...


I hate you Jack, *sobs*. You did this! This is YOUR FAULT!

Baby?! What are you doing? Why do you have a knife?!

I HATE YOU! You did this. I saw you, I saw your eyes!

Just think about this-

My eyes shot open, and I would have nearly shot up too if it hadn't been for the strong pair of arms that had pushed me down. I looked at the arms, my eyes wide. Tan and familiar. I let my eyes wander from the arms to their belonger, seeing a guy sitting next to my bed, keeping me down with his mouth slightly open. "Be careful!" His voice was deep, and a bit too loud for my ears. I cringed and he sighed, moving his arms away. "You're gonna pull the IV out."

I gasped, looking down at my arm and saw the tubes and felt a weird sensation on my back and chest. "O-Oh God," I stuttered, beginning to shake. The man sat up straight again, grabbing my shaking hands carefully. I looked up at him, meeting his deep brown eyes. "What happened?! W-What did I do?"

"Hey, hey. Take it easy." I bit my lip, fear coming over me. What happened?! Why am I here? "My name is Mark, okay? Just breathe." I stared at him. He nodded his head slowly. "Breathe."

I hesitantly took a deep breath, starting to get my head back. "Okay...what happened? Why am I here?"

Mark looked over at the door of the hospital room, then back to me. "I'm a life guard at Santa Monica State Beach, no one knows what happened as of yet. The police are still looking for witnesses." my eyes widened again but he squeezed my hand. "It's okay. Some people started screaming and we could just barely make you out in the water. There w-was a lot of blood around you, which made you stand out. I swam out and got you, you had lost a lot of blood. The doctor should be back any minute now with some test results, but they said something about a wound in your back."

"How long have I been here?"

"Two days. I've been here too, I wanted to make sure you were okay." If I wasn't so freaked out right now, I would have probably blushed. Mark stared at me for a minute, seeming to be deep in thought. "...What's your name?"

I had to admit, the fact my name hadn't come straight to me was extremely alarming. "I-I-"

"He won't remember that for at least a few weeks." Mark and I both looked up, seeing that a man had entered the room. He had short black hair and bright blue eyes. His skin was pale, despite living in California, beneath his white doctor uniform.

"What do you mean?" Mark quickly asked, standing up.

The doctor sighed, lifting up a clip board. "He's been stabbed by a knife once in the back. It went pretty deep and he lost a lot of blood." Both of our eyes widened and I quickly realized that odd sensation on my chest and back was a bandage. I started breathing heavy, despite how much it hurt. Mark rushed over, grabbing my hand again. I instantly began to calm down. I didn't know this guy, but he really seemed to have had a protective aura. The doctor, whose name tag said Dr. Dennis, looked down at his clipboard. "Amnesia is pretty common after such events. Despite the wound he should be better in just a few weeks after those stitches have healed. As a doctor, I suggest you get plenty of rest."

"W-Wait!" Dr. Dennis paused at the doorway. "What's my n-name? And who did this to me?" He turned back, giving Mark and I warm smiles.

"We analyzed your records and found out that you're an Irish man named Sean McLoughlin who goes by Jack. You've only been in the LA area for about two months or so." Jack. Jack McLoughlin. "As for your killer? They seemed to have been able to swim off before the authorities got there. The LA police are still looking though."

"Okay," Mark sighed. "Thank you doc."

A/N: Can you guess which YouTube Dr. Dennis was?

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