~ NINE ~

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"Mark?" Mark's eyes flew open, landing on mine. I sighed, siting next to him with relief. Apparently standing for too long can affect stab wounds.

"Hey." he mumbled, closing his eyes again.

"Are you okay man?" I gave him a concerned look. "Ever since last night you've been in here. Jesus, Mark. You haven't eaten since lunch yesterday and it's already two!" All I received was a grunt of acknowledgement. I scowled, pulling away the blanket that he was attempting to hide under.

"Hey!" He hissed, reaching back for the blanket. I held it behind me, my back stinging.

"No way," he sat up, glaring at me. I looked him right in the eyes. "No way am I gonna let you just sit in here and starve to death."

"You can't do anything about it."

"Oh yes I can." He raised an eyebrow, and I smirked deviously. "You'll come with me."

"Hmph," He rolled back over onto his side, facing away from me. "How can you be so sure?" His tone held next to no emotion.

I grinned, leaning close to him. He nearly jumped when I rested my chin on his arm. He looked over at me, a look in his eyes. I had him right where I wanted him. "Because I'm your best fwiend."

"More like a pain in the ass." I didn't give up, and could see his stone exterior slowly start to crumble away. Eventually he sighed, sitting up and pushing me off him. "Fine."

I smiled, standing up. "Awesome, because my back was killing me while I was laying like that." Mark's eyes instantly flashed with sudden realization and he shot to a standing position, towering over me.

"Oh my god Jack! You idiot!" He amused me by raising his hands as if he were about to take action, but had no clue how to help me.

"I'm fine," I let him grab my arm to lead me out of the dark depressing bedroom. "Let's just get you some food, yeah?"

He clenched his jaw, leading me to the kitchen. "What have you been eating?"


"Fucking hell Jack!" I cracked up laughing as he ran ahead of me to get the nearest edible thing. "Why didn't you come get me sooner?! You're hurt, you need the nutrition! Holy shit, this is all my fault-"

"It's okay, really." I stopped him from his ramblings and leaned against the counter. Mark looked down, his back turned to me. "I..." I bit my lip. "I'm sorry. I think I stepped passed a boundary last night, one I didn't mean to cross, Mark. I...I shouldn't have...I should have kept my big mouth shut."

Mark stood still, unmoving. "It's...okay Jack. You couldn't have known."

"Still," I began to move towards him, ending up right behind him. "I'm sorry, and I wanna make it up to you, Mark." I placed a hand on his shoulder, and he spun around.

It happened so fast.

I stumbled at the sudden unexpected movement, falling forward. Mark, who had surprisingly quick reflexes, caught me. We both stared at each other, flustered. I was against Mark's chest, his arms embracing me by my hips.

I was very very close to his face.


We both stayed silent, just awkwardly trying to assess the best way out of the awkward and sudden situation. "S-Sorry!" My voice barely came out as a high-pitched squeak. Mark didn't move, he just stared into my eyes, his mouth slightly open. I stared back, eventually calming my nerves.

Pretty soon Mark snapped out of it, suddenly realizing that the current position we were in was a little intimate. "S-Sorry." He let go of me, and I stood up straight. He chuckled, "Sorry, got whisked away for a second there."

I laughed nervously, suddenly unable to function like a normal human being. "It's fine, I think we were both lost to the current for a moment there."

We both stood in silence.

Mark cleared his throat a moment later, turning to open his fridge. "Lunch?"


A/N: SQUEEEEAAAAAAL, talk about feels anyone?

Once again, another art/oneshot tag!

Draw or write about your OTP in a similar fashion as the photo above! (In case you didn't get it, Mark's cupid and shot Jack to try and get him to fall for him)

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Draw or write about your OTP in a similar fashion as the photo above! (In case you didn't get it, Mark's cupid and shot Jack to try and get him to fall for him)






AND Nerdy_n_Proud

Have fun!

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