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He was so warm...his chest was toned and muscular, and his soft caring eyes just drew me in. I felt safe, for once since I woke up in the hospital, I had felt safe. Right there in my best friend's arms. I didn't know why, I still don't. But I never wanted to leave that warm embrace.

I pulled myself away from my thoughts as Mark started to drive again when the light turned green. He had turned on the radio, but no amount of Bishop Briggs could distract me from my thinking.

Why had I woken up in bed with Mark? What had I done the night before that led to us cuddling? And Mark's vague answers and dodging of questions didn't make me feel any better. Was he hiding something?

He had been acting more and more strange, but not in a bad way I guess. He was caring, but shy and flustered.

Especially when ever I tried to bring up last night.


Which I was about to do again.

"Mark?" I asked, twiddling my thumbs.

Mark glanced over at me before looking back to the road. "Yeah, Jack?"

"...What happened last night?" I could see him instantly tense. He stayed quiet. "It's just," I sighed, looking out the window as to not make him feel any more discomfort. "You still haven't told me, and you said you would."

"I said we'd talk about it."

I gazed out at the passing buildings. "Then let's talk about it."

Mark didn't talk. "...What do you want to know?"

I groaned, turning to look at him. He bit his lip. "Mark! You're making me scared." he flinched when I yelled. I lowered my voice to a normal volume. "Honestly, Mark. There's no need to be so uptight about it. We're best friends, I can handle it if I said or did something stupid." Though there really wasn't much he could have said or done. They were playing board games, and Jack's memory was gone so he didn't know any of his embarrassing stories or really had any secrets. He was pretty much an open book.

Mark sighed, "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes, please."

He pulled into the parking lot in front of a large brick building. Mark leaned back in his chair, turning to look at me. "We were playing board games, and you found some wine and got drunk," Was Mark finally telling him this? After all day? "Then...then you got upset after I beat you at monopoly and ripped the board in half." I gasped, and Mark nodded.


Mark sighed, putting his hand on my shoulder. "I didn't want to tell you, I knew you'd be embarrassed, I'm sorry."

"No I'm sorry!" I covered my face with my hands. "Ah, I'm so sorry Mark! I'm a sore loser, I'm so so so-"

"Hey," he pulled my hands away from my face with his other hand, holding them. I looked up, and saw his eyes. Once again, they had that twinkle. But there was also a tad bit of...sadness? Something like that. "it's okay Jack." he looked down, then back up with a smile, "It was fucking hilarious." He chuckled and I chuckled a bit too.

"But, w-wait," I pulled my hands away, and his hands fell back. "That doesn't explain why I woke up cuddling with you."

I watched as his eyes widened and his face turn a shade of red. I snickered, and he looked away. "Well, u-uh, um, y-you were, uh, tired! Tired after you broke the board." He smiled, looking back at me. "So I carried you up to your bed."

I smirked, crossing my arms. "And decided to cuddle with me?"

His face turned red again. He froze, and I raised my eyebrow, waiting for an answer. This was so fucking hilarious. "...I...was...uh, also. Tired?" I laughed, and after a moment he started laughing too.

I shook my head, forcing my laugh down to a giggle as I popped open the car door. "Whatever, it was...nice." His face burned red, and I blushed too. I hopped out of the car, him following me to the building a few seconds later.

'Well," he mumbled after his blush had faded. "Maybe we'll do it again sometime."

I laughed, putting my hand on the door handle as I turned back to look at the blushing Markimoo. "Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" We both burst into laughter.

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