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The beeps were just white noise as I stood in the doorway, looking at him in his bed. The only hint that he was alive was the heart monitor next to him and the slow rise and fall of his chest. Had it not been for that, I would have been sure he was already dead.

I couldn't seem to force myself to move. All I could do was watch, my mind blank and my cheeks damp.


My tongue was dry, and I took a shaky step towards him. The blankets, thankfully, covered the bandage on his side.


We really had went full circle, hadn't we?

I cracked a weak smile, tears running down my face. "God, M-Mark..." My voice was scratchy and weak. "What did we d-do?"

I got no response.


I rushed over, collapsing beside him on his bed. I didn't hold back as I sobbed, my tears soaking his blanket. I wrapped my arms around his neck, being mindful of his side, and buried my face into his neck.

"Mark, please," I croaked. "Don't leave me. Don't leave me alone here, I can't do this without you. I can't do this alone! You're everything I have, I don't give a shit that I've got my memories back! I'd throw them all away, I just want you! I need you, no one else! I'm s-so s-sorry Mark," I clenched my fists. "I'm so fucking sorry...I'm so sorry I was rude to you, I'm so sorry you had to deal with all this, I'm so sorry you got shot by my crazy ex, I'm so sorry for doubting you, I'm so sorry for denying you. I'm so sorry for..." My eyes slowly opened, and I unbaled my fists. "Apologizing so much." I weakly grinned. "You always said for me to not do that..."

I realized then, that Mark was something special. Someone I could trust, someone who really cared about me...

I closed my eyes again, leaning against him. "...I love you, Mark."


I listened to his soft heartbeat.


"I love you too, Jackaboy."

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