Chapter 1

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Adventure of a Life Time 

Chapter 1 

Windy Andrew woke up slowly before she climbs out of bed, then she slips on her shoes, before walking over to the chair where she left her robe, and then slipping on her robe while walking into the kitchen. She hurries over to the old wooden stove, before opening the stoves door, shoved a few pieces of sticks inside, and got the old stove started. Once she sees it had started burning good, she places a few larger pieces inside. While she was waiting for the stove to get hot, she walks over toward kitchen window looking out into the yard, where a hug old maple tree stood in the back yard by the barn. 

Windy lets out a breathe she been holding before she starts murmurs to herself, "Oh, what a beautiful day it is going to be, with the sun shining so brightly through her kitchen window." 

Windy sticks her head out of the window listening closely to hear all the little birds singing their beautiful songs in the old maple tree. "It's so nice to hear them singing, just knowing this is going to be a wonderful day after all." 

Then Windy turns around looking down to her kitchen floor knowing she needed to swipe, before mopping and then cleaning the rest of the house.  

Windy murmurs some more to herself knowing no one would be hearing her talking to herself. "I have so much that I need to do today. I might as while get started doing something usefully, like cooking breakfast for my hungry family, because soon they will be coming in here ready to eat and I have nothing started. " 

Windy goes back to the cook stove grabbing the coffee pot filling it with water before pouring coffee grains inside, the setting it back on the stove to boil. 

After that Windy walks across the room to the back door, opens the door wide and yells out, so Steve would hear her from the barn. "Steve! Breakfast will be ready shortly!" 

Steve Andrew steps out of the barn and yells back to her, "I hear you woman! I will be there shortly!" 

Windy yells back, "OK honey! See you soon!" 

Windy was standing by the wood stove cooking breakfast when Steve came walking through the back door. He sees her standing there taking up the fried eggs and placing them into his plate. He also notice she had already cooked the bacon, some country ham and the best hot biscuits he had every eaten in his life was already setting on the kitchen table. 

He walks over and wrapping his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly, as he leans slightly kissing the side of her neck right below her ear. He whispers by her ear, "Good morning sweetheart. Everything smells so delicious, but honey seeing you standing there cooking my breakfast and you smelling so delicious, I just don't know which I want to eat first, you or the food. Honey I have I told you lately how much I love you? Well I do love you more than anything in this world and don't you forget it either."  

Windy leans back against his chest saying softly, "You are such a sweet talker, you do know that don't you? I guess that is why I love you too. However, Honey you better set down and start eating our breakfast before it starts getting cold. Then afterward you can tell me all about last night's meeting you had with the men in town." 

Steve steps away from her and walks over to the table with his plate of fried eggs in hand and pulls out a chair then sets down, piling his plate with fried country ham, bacon and three hot biscuits into his plate. Then he was eating his food like there was no tomorrow. 

In between bites, he said to Windy, "Honey if you keep cooking like this I will never get any work done, because I will be staying right here every minute of the day. Sure am glad I married you when I did, because you are the best damn cook around these parts, and you are one hot woman when it comes to making love. I am one lucky man that is for sure, Honey." 

Steve went back to his eating his breakfast; when he was finally full he patted his stomach as he sighed, because now he had to tell his wife what went on at the meeting last night, and what also he did. There was no easy way around this, but he had to think about what was good for his family too.  

"Honey, I don't know how to tell you this, but without telling you everything about that meeting last night. There just no-good way of saying this, last night I sold our ranch. Before you say anything, and getting upset we are moving west for something better than what we have here. Because it was our only choice Honey, we cannot make a living here anymore. You know we haven't had any rain to mount to anything for the last five years. Honey everything I have planted here keeps drying up; even cattle we have in the field there are so thin I cannot sell them and get price we need to live on. So the banker in town was at the meeting last night, he said he would buy our farm back and we are making a little money on the side too. I already have a buyer for our cattle, of course at much lower price than what I wanted. However, I took his what he offer me, because it was only five cent below cost than what than what I would have gotten anywhere else. Now that we don't have to worry about the ranch or the cattle anymore, and before you even asked me what I did with the money I got, I brought a cover wagon and all the supplies we will need for an our trip. Therefore, I guess we will be leaving next week with wagon train when it starts heading out west. We have a whole week to get things packed and loaded onto our wagon." 

Windy mouth drops open and then closes a few times while staring at him, because she didn't knowing what to say. She was just too shocked that he would sell their home right out from under them. She was so mad and upset she didn't know what she would do next. She wanted to start screaming, crying or maybe hit something like him. Windy takes a couple deep breaths, when she finally got her brain and her mouth working together.  

She said, "I knew things were bad here, but why didn't you say something to me sooner before now? What about all the things we have here? With all of our furniture, we have collected over the years, the dishes, our clothes, our laying hens, and our old milk cow. We cannot take all of these can we Steve? Also, what are we going to tell Lori and David or have already told them?"  

Steve sets back in his chair, took a couple deep breaths, and let it out slowly, before explaining any more bad news, "I told to them last night when I came home before coming up to bed. They see to take the news pretty good, better than what I thought they would. So if I have to say they were pretty excited last night." 

Windy jumped up out of her chair, before picking up her plate from the table, then taking it to the sink. She then turns around looking at Steve with tears in her eyes and feeling the knot in her throat. She clears her throat a few times before asking him. "Why did you tell them, before telling me? Why don't you tell me first Steve? You know I am your wife; you should have come to me first before doing something as big as this... Nevertheless, never mind... you already told them... so why bother.... By the way, where are those two? They should be in here eating their breakfast too." She felt so hurt that he would tell them first and not her. 

Steve got up from his chair, walks around the table, and said to her, "I am sorry I did not tell you first Windy, but you were already sleeping. Anyway, Lori and David heard me when I came in late last night. They wanted to know what was going on, so I told them. Somehow, they had already heard some of the men talking around town, so they were figuring we might be going too. Honey you know how kids are, they like to listen to things whether we think they are listening or not. That is how our kids will learn about things and sometimes we will wish they wouldn't at times. In addition, they had gotten up really early this morning before I went into the barn to milk that old milk cow. They asked me if could go see their friends this morning. Therefore, I told them yes. Those two were smiling big time, I wish you could have seen them Windy they were so happy. "he reply. 

Windy thought for a moment before asking Steve, "How long will this take us to travel to wherever we are going to? On the other hand, do you even know? Or do I want to know the answer to that?" 

Steve thought for a moment before saying, "There was a man there last night at the meeting, he told us that it could take us about nine months to twelve months if we don't run into any kind really bad weather, Indians terrible or something like that. Who knows Windy, that's all I know. I am sorry honey I don't know more than that. I am hoping before we leave he will have another meeting so we can ask him some more questions."  

Windy stops what she was doing and turns around looking around the kitchen and the rest of the house and starts laughing aloud. "Well I won't have to worry about cleaning house now, will I? So I guess I better start packing instead."

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