Chapter 37

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Adventure of a Life Time 

Chapter 37 

Just as soon as their wedding ceremony was over with, David took whole his new bride's Golden Hair hand, as they started walking out of the Indian village with his dad and his friends close behind. Chief Eyes of an Eagle had some of his warriors to lead them to another watering hole before leading them back to their wagon train. With water in barrels, the Indians showed them how to pack them onto their horses. By late evening, we could see our wagon train about a mile away, where our Indian friends turn around going back to their village. We watched them for a second or two before we started walking toward our own camp. 

Some of us were walking beside our horses with the water barrels, while Steve, David and his new bride Golden Hair, rode into camp. Golden Hair was setting straight up in her saddle, with her head hale high and proud, she was scared shit-less, not knowing what these white people would think of her. All she could think about was what they would say behind her back or how they would make fun of her. She knew all too well about that, because that is what happen when she was brought to the Indian village. 

Soon David was by her side and said to her, "Golden Hair stop worrying so much. My mom is a wonderful woman and she will open her arms to you and so will Lori and Mark. You know my dad and me, also the other men with us. We will not let anyone say anything bad or hurt you in anyway. You are my wife now and that is all that matters. The funny thing is if my mom or sister hears someone say something about you, they will get an ear full. I have to say they will not be happy when they get through with them. So stop your worrying. OK." 

Golden Hair glances over toward David and tries to smile, although they did not reach her eyes. She nods her head anyways before replying. "If you say so, but you have to understand I have gone through this before. People can be mean even when they don't know it. That is all I am saying David." 

"I know what you mean. I just hope you will let me know if someone says something out of the way." David reply. 

Steve was right on her other when said to her. "Honey, I hope you know you can come to me and let me know if anything is wrong too. I know this is going to be hard on you but we are here for you too. I want you to think of us as your mom and dad too, the same way Mark does. You understand what I am telling you. You are my daughter too, just as Mark is my son. My family just keeps growing and I have to say I love it too." 

As they got closer to the wagon train, they could see Windy and Lori running toward them. 

David jumps down from his horse and runs toward his mom. His arm goes around her waist, giving her a huge hug before swinging her around in a circle. He's laughing and crying at the same time as he sat her feet back on the ground. Then he was able to say to her, "I love you mom. I was so afraid I would never see you again when the attack happen. I just knew I was a dead man for sure, until Golden Hair saved my life, by putting her life up on the chopping block for me." 

Windy gave her son a look that she did not understand what he was telling her. David smiles then said to his mom. "I will explain it all to you later on tonight. OK. Golden Hair she came back with us. Mom she is my wife now and she is worried you will not like her. Remember what I said to you that I would explain everything to you later on. It's a long story that is all I can say for now mom." 

Windy's smile was back on her face as she said to her son. "I do not care as long as you are back to where you belong. Let me see your new wife David so I can give her a hug and welcome her to our family." 

David turns around and there stands Golden Hair and his dad right behind him. David wrapped his arm around her shoulder, bringing her close to his side, and said to his mom. "Mom, her Indian name is Golden Hair that shines Andrew my wife. But her really name is Cassandra Andrew." 

Lori heard it what David said about Cassandra to their mom. She was crying too as she wraps her arms around Cassandra shoulders. Lori wiped her tears away and said to Cassandra. "Come on you are home now, no more tears. You are home. Oh and one other thing, you let me know if David is not good to you. I will kick his ass for you. I can do it too." 

As the Andrew's family was walking back toward their camp as a big happy family, they're all laughing and talking not seeing the looks coming from some the other families on the wagon train. Some of the looks were of pure hate and some of complete surprise at what they saw walking back into camp. 

As the Andrew's family was walking back toward their camp as a big happy family, they're all laughing and talking not seeing the looks coming from some the other families on the wagon train. Some of the looks were of pure hate and some of complete surprise at what they saw walking back into camp.

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