Chapter 17

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Adventure of a Life Time  

Chapter 17 

When Henry saw the smoke signals across the river, he gathers his men together and they started rolling the first wagon onto the raft. Once the wagon was in place and also anchored down, so it would not be moving. Then some of men started unhooking the horses from the wagon. Because the horses were uneasy from the movement of the raft, they placed blindfolds over their eyes. Once the blindfolds were on they seen to calm down, then the men were able to tie their reins to the poles.  

The first family was able to walk onto the raft, each one walking along the sides grabbing the poles to started pushing the raft across the river with the help of the ropes beginning pulled them slowly from the other side of the river. 

One and half hours later they finally made it across the river to other riverbank. The boys would anchor the raft so it would stop moving. Then each of the men was helping getting the horses hooked back up to the wagon, before taking off their blindfolds from their eyes. They worked fast connecting the wagon to the horses. Once that was done, they drove the wagon off the raft. 

The boys took their time to rest, as they pulled on the ropes as the raft went back over the river for the next wagon. 

They kept this up for several hours going back and forth before the all the wagons were on their side of the river, with no threatening mishaps to the raft or wagons. Couple of people had fallen off the raft while it was coming across, but they were able to swim back and climb back on with no mishaps.  

Around ten that night everyone was setting around their camps fires, they had built for the night eating a little before calling it a night. 

Everyone was a sound of sleep in their bedrolls lying around their campfires. All a sudden, David woke up from a sound sleep. At first he didn't know what woken him up. He laid still just listening to any sound that would have woken him from a sound sleep. 

At first, he heard enough at all, no sounds of crickets, or frogs croaking, just quiet. That couldn't be right. There were always noises of a night. Then he heard something not too far off, something like someone was walking around a bush and the branches rubbing against their clothes as they walked by. 

David moves quietly to his dad's side, he whispering softly by his dad's ear. "Hey dad, Wake up! I just heard someone out there moving around where there should not be! " 

Steve slowly woke up hearing his son was whispering to him. After a moment, he was hearing the same sounds that had woken up David. Then he heard a twig snapping into near horses. 

Steve whispers to his son, "I just heard a twig snapping into not far from the horses. Do not move an inch David, unless you have a gun in your hand? If you don't stay here, you understand me. Otherwise, you had better stay close to me, when we start running. In addition, whatever we do, do not wake your mom or sister up, because no telling what those two will do. You understand me?"  

David whispers back quietly but with a smile on his face. "OK!" 

Billy must have heard it too, because he was crawling around between the wagons until he was close enough to where the sound been had coming from.  

Billy got behind a man sneaking up closer to their campsite. Billy jumps the man, wrapping his arm around the man's neck and squeezing nearly cutting off his air supply.  

Somehow, the man was losing from Billy's arm around his neck, where they began fighting for their lives, throwing pouches at each other. Billy finally throws a hard pouch with his fist into the man's chin, where he falls like a rock onto the ground. 

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