Chapter 14

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Adventure of a Life Time  

Chapter 14 

Around eight, the next morning some of the men got together started cutting down trees for the makings of the rafts for all the families going across. As each tree fell to the ground one of the other men would start trimming the limbs off. Once he was done someone else was there tiring the logs together with ropes they were not using for their own wagons. 

One of the men who had been working cutting down trees, John Paul Lucas walked over to where Henry was standing watching the men working. John Paul Lucas ask him, "Why are we building so many rafts again, all we need is one or two rafts to make this work? Why build more than we need?" 

Henry turned around facing John Paul when he answered, "For one thing John Paul, I have been doing this a lot longer than you might think I have. So please stop second-guessing me, I know what I am doing. Also, John Paul, we will not be going directly straight across if I can help it, I'm hoping we can ride the current fast moving down river for about five miles or so, where we inter into slow moving waters. John Paul, this afternoon I am planning to riding down river keeping to see what the river looks like and seeing if that's the best way to getting my people across that damn river. Now do you have other questions for me John Paul?" 

John Paul was rubbing back of his neck as he was watching the fast moving river. He looks back, toward Henry before saying. "You know, some of those damn fools are not going to make it, right, like some of the old folks. In addition, what about the women folks that were hurt the other day. You know Henry; I would not want your job for all the money in the world. I hope you know that." 

Henry was looking back at toward the river, looking one way then the other before shaking his head, he letting out a big sigh, before answering the older man. "John Paul, have you ever really looked to where we are? I bet you haven't really looked around, well I am going to tell you straight up, John Paul." 

Mr. John Paul let out a sigh he was holding, while him to looking around him. What all he was seeing was people working their asses off to maybe getting themselves killed, hoping to across that river. He finally replied, "Oh OK. I am listening to you. Now tell me something that will take the fear out of my wife's mind about all of this. She cannot take must more with her bad heart and all. She is really scared shit-less, I'm not kidding you here. So tell me something that will help her to not to be so scared. Please." 

Henry turned back toward John Paul looking him in the eye, hoping that look on his face was calm. Henry takes another deep breath and let it out slowly, before saying. "Mr. John Paul, have you even looked around the area here? Did you go hunting with us the other morning? I can tell you that you did not go hunting with us, because you stay behind in camp. Well if you did, you will know that this hold area is like a huge swamp. If you're not careful you could step into a mud hole a never climb out. Also look up farther north, about a half mile, what do you see?" 

John Paul glanced to the north and saw more mountains with fewer trees on them before answering the man's question. "More mountains you say Henry?" 

Henry rubs back of his neck trying to get the tension out of his neck, as he spoke, "Yes that's right I have been doing this job for the last eight years. This is the only way of doing this, by building these rafts, riding those waves and getting to the other side. So why don't you make sure your raft will be staying together without coming apart, John Paul. Now if you don't mine, I need to get back to work, because I am hoping we will be leaving here in two days' time."  

Then Henry walks away, leaving the man standing there with his mouth standing open. As Henry was walking away, he yelled over his shoulder, "Go and talk to the Doctor Mathew about your wife's heart, because that's not my job, but his." 

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