Chapter 2

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Adventure of a Life Time  

Chapter 2 

During this whole week Windy and Lori were busy packing what they wanted to take and placing it inside their covered wagon; what they did not want to take they gave way to a family that was staying here; while Steve and David were delivering cattle to their new owner in the next county over.  

When they had their cattle delivered to the new owner, Steve would decide which of the other animals they would be taking with them, such as which of their horses were the strongest for pulling the wagon, across country. Then he had to think about their old milk cows Bettie and Marylou, and if they were taking any of the laying hens and putting them in cages. Then he wanted to decide on which of the tools they would need while traveling if the wagon broke down. What they did not need they were planning sale or just give away to a family that would be staying. By the time night came, they were so tired they were a sleep before their heads hit the pillows of a night. 

Before they knew it, the week was up. They had everything packed in their wagon ready to go the night before leaving, so that night they would sleeping in their old house one last time. 

Windy came walking out of the house with a large container of food, that held boiled eggs, sandwiches, apples, and pound cake.  

She turns around one last time looking inside the house before closing the door saying good-by, before walking toward the wagon where her family was waiting for her.  

Steve is standing by the wagon also looking around seeing if he missed anything too. When he turned back around, he sees Windy standing there ready to climb aboard the wagon.  

"It looks like we have everything we need to take with us. It looks like Lori and David are ready too. David will be riding his horse, Storm. Lori will be riding with you for the time being. So please stop worrying so much, OK honey." Steve replies as he kissing her forehead. 

"OK, Steve. I just so glad when we get there, you know what I mean. Oh, before I forget, honey I made us something to eat for this afternoon. Now you let David know if he gets hungry he can come and get something to eat, "She was saying as she starts climbing up into the wagon. 

While Windy was getting comfortable on her seat, and Lori climbs up into the wagon seat, then Steve was climbs up onto his horse.  

Steve calls out, "Everyone ready!" 

David looks over at his dad and nobs his head that he was ready. 

Lori leans over her seat looking at her dad and then yells out, "Yes we are ready whenever you are." 

Steve walks his horse closer to the wagon where Windy was setting, "OK! Let's move out! We should be in town within forty minutes or so... When we get there Windy just line up your wagon behind the wagon in front of you. Then we just wait." 

Everyone kept pretty much quite, because they were looking around at everything as rode by, knowing they would never be seeing it again. This was their home they were leaving, and each one was saying good-by in their only own. We all had tears in our eyes remembering the good times and the bad times, but more good time than bad.  

Finally, the town came into view, even from a half mile away they could see cover wagons lining up on the street as far as eyes could see. Men were working, loading the last minute supplies onto their wagons. While some of children were playing around their wagons. Some of the women were talking, crying and hugging to their friends. 

We could hear people laughing, some were crying, while others were shouting at each other. It was sounding more as if a big party was going on in town.  

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