Chapter 29

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Adventure of a Life Time  

Chapter 29 

Just as soon as the wedding ceremony was over and they were walking outside the hotel lobby on to the street. Their friends and family was there throwing rice over their heads. Lori and Mark was looking around with smiles on their faces, then they stop where they were and kissing each other in front of the whole town. 

Mary Sue walks out of the diner from next door, gave both them a huge, and then said so all could hear. "Everyone is welcome to come to the diner and enjoy the reception for our new married couple. Please come and let's celebrate this happy time with them." 

As Lori and Mark walk inside the diner, Mary Sue has setup tables of food for them, but what caught her eyes was a beautifully wedding cake that she had made for them. It was a three layers white cake with little red roses all around the sides and on top; she had place a little bride and groom. 

Lori has tears in her eyes as she looks at the cake; she looks around the room and sees Mary Sue watching her for reaction. Lori pop Mark in the side and said to him. "Look what Mary Sue has done for us. That is the most beautifully cake I have ever seen. I have to go and thank her for all she has done for us. I will be back in a minute OK." 

Mark glances over at the cake and he could not believe the wedding cake that she had made for them either. Mark wrapped his arm around Lori and said to her, "Let's both go and thank her for what she has done for us. If this woman is going, she will not be making any money for herself. I have a little money saved up and I am planning to pay for this food and that cake before we leave in the morning. This is just too much. Let's go and talk to her while we can. Come on my love." 

They walk over to where Mary Sue was talking to some people and motion for her to come to the side so they could talk to her. Once she came over to where they were standing, Lori gave her a hug and whisper by her ear. "Thank you for all you have for us. It is so beautifully. Thank you." Lori has tears in her eyes when she steps away from her. 

Mark gives a hug saying to her, "Thank you doing this for us. However, I want to pay you for this reception, it is the least I can do; otherwise you may go broke if you keep doing things like this. I will come and pay you in this morning before we leave, and I will not take no for an answer. I hope we understand each other, Mary Sue. You heart is as big as this country is you are a great person, thank you again. Now let's eat shall we."  

As everyone was eating and talking, a group of men was setting up in a corner of the diner, before their ever eyes Lori's dad was standing in front of them; everyone stop talking and listen to what he had to say. 

Steve clear his throat and said to all, "I am not much of a talker as you know, but it's not every day my little girl gets married. However, I wanted to tell her and everyone in this room, that I am ever proud of her and I love her deeply. Now to her new husband, Mark I have gotten to know you over the last few weeks, I know you are a good and honest man, but dangerous man also. Therefore, I know you will take good care of my little girl, and you know if you don't I will kick your ass from here to kingdom come and back again. After saying that, I want to welcome you to our family Mark. Now Mark get your new bride up here on the dance floor and dance to the first song with your bride, because that is the way we do it back home." 

Mark looks over at his new bride and sees she has tears in her eyes, but smiling too at her dad. He stands up and reaches over and takes her hand and pulls her up from her chair, gives her a kiss and pulls her to the small dance floor. Then they are dancing to their first song as husband and wife.  

After the song was over with Steve walked over and to Lori and Mark and said to them, "May I have to the second dance with my beautiful daughter." 

Lori goes into her daddy's arms and they start dancing, she whispers by his ear. "Thank you daddy, I love you so much. I don't think I could be any happier than I am right now, by what you just said to Mark and me. That means the world to me." 

Just as the song was over with gunshots could be heard outside the little diner. From outside and man's voice was loud and clear. "I know you are in there Mark Whitener! Come out here now! You and I have something to clear up! I will give you five minutes to come out or I will come in there and start shooting. You hear me Mark Whitener!" 

Lori runs over to Mark and demands to know what was going on. "What is all this about? Do you know?" 

Mark looks at her and looks over at Steve before he says to them. "I have no idea what this is about. However, I have to go out there or he will come in here and start shooting this place up. I have to go out there, Lori. I am sorry honey." 

"But this is my wedding day, and since I am your wife now I am going with you out there and you cannot stop me. I can shot just as good as you can, plus I am not going to let someone shot you in the back either." Lori said to her new husband. She was madder than a wet hen that someone would do this on there day of all days.  

Marks looked at her, shakes his head at her, and said to her. "I am sorry honey, but you cannot go out there with me and get yourself killed. You stay in here with your mom and dad and I will be back gone it's over. Now stay here. Please." 

Mark glances over toward Steve and nods his head that he will keep her here with him no matter what happens outside, Steve wraps his arms around Lori as she starts fighting wanting to go after Mark as he walks out of the door of the diner. 

Lori yells at her dad, "I have to go and watch his back for him! If you won't let me go out there, please go and help him! I cannot lose him!" 

Steve whispers in her ear, "You remember what I said earlier, about Mark being a dangerous man. Well that man can take of care of himself just fine. Honey he knows what he is doing, now let him do it. You don't want him worry about you while he is out there do you, if you were out there then his mind would not be that man outside now. Just think what I am saying to you." 

Lori listens for the gunshots, she knew would start at any minute, she dries her face and wraps her arms around her waist and waited like everyone else. 

Mark walks out of the diner and into the street and there stands two men in the middle of the dirt road, both men in their mid- twenties or older, dirty, drunk and looking for trouble. 

Marks stood about twenty feet from them and said to them. "I am Mark Whitener. What do you want with me?" 

"You little bastard; you killed my brothers and my uncle! Now it's time for me to kill you! We have been following you for weeks! Now I am going to kill you the same way you killed my brothers and uncle!" Shouting were one of the two men standing in front of Mark. 

"You can try and kill me if you can!" Mark shouts back. 

Mark watches both men carefully, watching their eyes and hands and the same time. He sees one of them going for his guns and Mark pulls his gun and fires. He hits both men and they go down and fall where they were standing just minutes ago. 

Mark walks over to them, checks their clothes, and finds really enough on them. People were running toward him. One man yells out, "I saw it all. They fired first. This man was fast." 

Marks walks through the door of the diner and walks toward his new wife, and hug her and gave her a kiss. Then he said to her, "I told you not to worry your pretty head, I would be right back. You know sometimes this will come up from time to time and there is enough I can do about it, but deal with it. That is part of my job." 

Then Mark pick Lori up in his arms walking out of the diner into the lobby of the hotel, then walk up the stairs to their room to start their wedding night.

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