Chapter 6

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Adventure of a Life Time  

Chapter 6 

Lori is running for her life, dodging around trees and rocks of all sizes, trying to get away from the man chasing her. However, when she looked over her shoulder he was still coming after her, no matter how fast she was running, he is still only a few feet away from her.  

Lori's side began aching really badly, whenever she tried to inhale or exhale, it only made it hurt worst. She had to stop and take a breather, or she will never make it where she would be able just breath normal without feeling she would past out if she tried. That would never happen, because every time she looked over her shoulder he was still coming for her.  

Lori sees a small hill of rocks, just in front of her. She dodges behind them and bends down putting her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breathe. Finally, she breathing a little better, she looks around the rocks to see where he might be. 

When she looked up, there he was, plain as day, right in front of her face maybe two feet away from her. Lori jumps back, but by jumping back and not looking where she was, she tripped over some rocks. She tries to crab crawl backward off the rocks, but what she did not know was her foot was stuck in between large crack. When she tried moving her foot it only got tighter, because she pulling in the wrong direction, she needed to move forward just a little, but that wasn't going to happen with him standing there. 

Then all of a sudden he was there lending over her, as she kept trying pulling her foot from between crack, then he was grabbing her hair bring her head back, making her look up into his face.  

Lori screams out as she fighting for her life, "Let me go! You're hurting me!" 

Then he lends in by her ear, speaking to her in a really low sexy voice almost as if he making love to her, "Not in this life time sweet cakes. I finally got you. Now let's see what we have here." 

"Let me go you asshole! My father will kill you for touching me!" she screams out again while trying her best kicking him where she knew it would hurt him the most, between his legs. Somehow, he moved out of her way just in time her foot met his tight instead. 

Then unexpectedly he was straddling her body while still holding her by her hair. Then he moves in closer to her face before whispering in that sexy voice of his. "I don't think so sweet cakes. Those men back there are keeping your father and that whole wagon train so busy right now; they will never know what is happening to you. Therefore, it's just you and me. What you say about that?" 

"Get out of my face you asshole!" she shouts. Then she brought up her leg right between his legs, and kicked him as hard as she could. She could hear him grunting in pain and knew she hit him in the right spot this time. 

Then he was letting go of her hair falling backward into the rocks, before grabbing himself between his legs. His face had gone from bright red to pale sickle white color. He's groans in pain, "You stupid bitch! Why you do that shit? You will pay for that you little bitch!" 

When he had fallen backwards, the rocks that was holding her foot lets go and her foot was free at last. She jumps up to her feet and tries to run away, but somehow he was on her again and she was falling down again into the rocks with him on her back this time. 

Somehow he flips her over onto her back , then he grabs the front of her shirt and rips open her shirt, while she still fighting him, she tries hitting him in his face with her hands as hard as she could, but she could tell it wasn't hurting him at all. However, she knew she couldn't stop fighting for her life. From out of nowhere, he pulls an eight-inch hunting knife and points it towards her throat. She stops fighting at once, holding her breathe, not knowing what he was going to do next. 

Lori starts screaming, "Oh my Lord! He's going to kill me! Someone please help me!" 

The good Lord must have had heard her prayers when she was calling for help, because all a sudden her brother David was there. David had his rifle pointing at the person's back. 

David spoke in such a low voice with so much hatred she could have sworn that wasn't even her brother speaking. "You asshole get your motherfucking hands off my sister right now, before I blow your heart right out of your chest! In addition, if you know what's good for you, you had better drop that knife or you will a dead man before you even stand up. That is my last warning I am giving you!" 

He slowly stands up straight before he turns his head looking over shoulder toward David, then slowly drops the blade on the ground, then brings his hands above his head. Then he speaks to David in a calm voice, "No harm done. I'm just having a little fun with the little woman here. That's all." 

Lori jumps up from the ground, pulls her shirt together covering her breast, walking slowly over toward David. Lori's looks over her shoulder and sees the man as he starts to move his hands behind his neck, reaching for something. Lori yells out, "Watch out he has another knife..." 

The rife goes off, and the man is lying on the ground bleeding from a bullet wound in his shoulder where David had just shot him. 

David was scared shit-less, this was the first time he ever shot a man in his life. He's looking at the man as if in shock for a few seconds, before saying to himself, "Oh shit, what I have done. Are you all right Lori? Did he hurt you in anyway? Please tell me he did not do what I thought he was trying to do." 

Lori answers him in shaky voice as if trying to understand what had happen to her, "David, thank God you got here when you did. He was going to try to rape me or...maybe... kill me, if you had not gotten when you did... I just don't want to think about that right now... But...what are we going do we do now I wonder David?" 

David looked over at her for a second before answering her, "My horse is right over there by those groups of rocks, there is a piece of rope on the outside of my saddle. If you would walk over there and get it, then we are going to tie him up before taking him back to wagon train. Then mom can doctor him right up. Don't you worry about it Lori. He will wish he never seen you before when mom gets through working on him. I can tell you that." He had a smile on his face that matched his tone in his voice for the first time since the shooting had started.

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