Chapter 15

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Adventure of a Life Time  

Chapter 15 

Within two days' time, with the men working around the clock making one of the rafts larger, they had finally finish making poles that would go around the sides to keep anyone from falling off. They also built a corral for the animals to stay in, now they were ready to rolling the raft into the river at first light the next morning.  

All around the camp different families were talking about their wagons, and the things they had to throw out in order to float across the Mississippi River.  

A little distance away from our camp, you could see where some of the other families were moving there belongs into several piles. In the piles were china cabinets, tables, chairs, iron beds, stuff crammed in barrels, rose's bushes, fruit trees and so much more. It broke all our hearts seeing what we had to give up continuing on our adventure as we travel west. 

Lori was noticing some of the other families were trying to eat their meal just she was trying to do. But after seeing what everyone had to give up so they could make the move on , it just made her heart hurt, seeing her own family things lying in one of the piles. 

Lori could feel her tears building behind her eyes; her throat was tightening up, wanting to cry her heart out. She shakes her head when the tears started running down her check. Lori glances around quickly before wiping her hands over her face. She didn't think anyone was paying any attention to her. However, in the corner of her eye to the far right, she saw Mark watching at her. 

Before she is up to running away, she had find somewhere where she could cry, Mark was there by her side in a heartbeat. Mark starts whispering softly so no one else would hear him what he was saying to her, but only her. "What wrong sweetheart with that long face and all those tears? You want to go for a walk along the riverbank. Sweetheart have you noticed the moon tonight, the way it shines on the water? It's a beautiful night for a walk in the moon light." 

With the moon light and the stars shining he could see her face so plainly he was able to see she's been crying as she watch the piles kept growing with people belongs. He wanted to help her because she never cries; she was always smiling and laughing about something going on around them. Mark wanted to put that smile back on her face just for a little while tonight. 

Lori was looking down at the ground, kicking the dirt with her foot where she sat, doing anywhere but looking at Mark. She clears her throat before speaking to him. "Maybe another time, Mark. I know you have to be tired tonight after all you have been doing last few days." 

Mark spoke softly as he could, "Yes I am tired, but I still want to go walking with you. Come on walk with me Lori. You know this might be the only night I have with you after tomorrow. What if something happens to this and me is the last time I get to talk to you. You know it could happen; accidents can happen at any time out here. However, I'm doing it anyways. It's what I call an adventure, because you never know what might happen the next day or the next minute. Come on please sweetheart." 

Lori finally looks up to him before saying to him. "When you put it like that, how can I say no to you? Let's go for our moon light stroll, maybe you can tell me about your day, if you want. That might help me to clear my mind just a little bit." 

Lori and Mark started off walking toward the riverbank, it wasn't long before Mark slide his arm around her shoulders brings her closer to his side, and then he kissed her hair as they kept walking toward the river edge. It wasn't long before they were standing by the riverbank where they stopped to rest for few moments facing the river, as they watched the river moving swiftly going to wherever it supposed to either one spoke a word. 

Mark took a couple of breaths trying calming his nerves down. He could feel his heart beating faster in his chest, just by being this close to her. He wanted this time while they were together it to be something special he could always remember.  

Mark was beginning to wonder did she feel the same way about him too, or was it just him feeling this pull between them. On the other hand, maybe he was just hoping against hope that she was feeling the same way. 

Mark was still looking at the river when he finally said, "You want to tell me why you were so sad a little while ago, because you were looking as if you might have been crying. Maybe I can help if you want to talk about it. I have some might big shoulders here if you think you might need them." 

Lori was still watching at the river moving ever so fast, when she decide to answers Mark, "Did you see all their stuff those families had to throw away? Those people back there had work so hard for all those things, and now they had to get rid of all of it. It just doesn't seem right to me. In addition, what if this doesn't work out as they have all plans, what will we do then? There are so many things running in my mind about this hold damn trip. I keep remembering before we left, dad telling us how dangerous it could be. Although he did say, we would see things as have we never seen before. As if seeing Indian villages, mountain lions, bears, you name it we would see it, but the same time, having adventure of lifetime. Well he is right all about that and more. However, Mark I don't want to lose everything in the process, what all these families have worked so hard for. I hope you understand what I am talking about here. Because right now I am scared and I don't know what I can do to help; does that make since to you?" 

Mark pulled her a little closer to his side when he replied softly, "You know it's alright to be scared. If you were not scared, there would be something wrong with you. Beginning scared keeps you on your toes. That is a good thing, you know. Did you know every time I had to go undercover I was always scared too, it kept me alert for any of the dangers around me?" 

Mark turns her so she was facing him; bring his hands up to her face. He lifted her face so she was looking into his eyes, before lends down and kissing her sweet lips. At first, she was a little shy, a few seconds before she was opening her mouth wider and kissing him back. He finally pull back, both of them were breathing hard. Lori still had her eyes closed, when she was able to breathe and talk. It was still only a whisper when she said. "Oh my God, please kiss me again; I have never felt that way before. I feel so hot inside as if you had turned on a heater or something. Whatever that was, don't stop. Please kiss me again Mark." 

Mark didn't need to be asked again, before he was kissing her as if she was a lifeline to his heart. 

They finally stop kissing, but this time Mark was holding her in his arms, when Lori hears her dad calling her name. 

Lori whispers by his ear as she kisses his ear, "I guess I better get back before he starts walking out here seeing what I am up to. Please walk with me back to my campfire. Now Mark promised me, you have to be carefully when you start swimming across that river tomorrow. Please come back to me." 

Mark lends in and kisses her hair before whispering, "Oh honey I will. I have someone to live for now. I don't know where this might be heading, but it feels good. I have never had anyone I could talk to or anything like that. I know you are young and all, But I am willing to wait for you..." Before he could finish talking, she was kissing him with everything she was feeling for him. 

Soon he was walking her back to her camp, once he knew she was safe he was walking away toward his own campfire and his very lonely bedroll.

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