Chapter 27

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Adventure of a Life Time 

Chapter 27 

Lori was so mad and upset with her dad for butting his nose into her business she could hardly stand it. She was seeing red she was so mad. How could her dad not understand that she would not do something like this without truly looking inside her heart and soul and knowing she was doing the right thing? She was a grown woman and not a little girl any longer as her dad thought she was. 

Lori looks over to Mark as he was getting dress and she could tell he was too, but he also understood where her dad was coming from.  

Lori glance around the room for a second before she whispers, "I am so sorry my dad hit you the way he did. That was not right for him to do that to you. Also, I want to thank you for not hitting him back, I know that was hard for you to stand there and take it, but that is the kind of man you are and why I love you so much Mark." 

Mark finish getting dress and turned around looking at her seeing her with such a sad face, it nearly broke his heart into, seeing her like this. 

Mark took a couple of steps toward her and wrapped his arms around her waist and placed a kiss on her forehead and whisper to her softly, "I love you Lori with all my heart and soul, that is why I have let him beat the shit out of me and not laid a hand on him in return. He was only doing what a father should have done for loving his baby girl. I can understand that too, because if we have a baby girl and I caught her with a man like he did I would have done the same thing too, but maybe a lot worse than he did. Now let's go and see your mam and dad and get this wedding under way. I want you to be my wife before the night falls tonight." 

Lori looks up into his eyes and seeing much he loves her, she couldn't stop from smiling as she lends in and place a kiss in his sweet lips, before taking his hand in hers and walking to the door and walking out into the hallway together.  

Lori looks over her shoulder as they were walking down the hallway toward her mom's and dad's room, she said softly only for him to hear. "I love you and thank you for coming with me to talk to them. This means a lot to me." 

"Anything for you Lori I hope you know that. I will do anything to make you happy and make sure you are safe too. So stop you're worrying, everything will be fine soon enough, you will see." Mark gave her a wink before knotting on the door to her parent's door. 

"Everything will be fine Lori. You will see, I promise you. No matter what Lori, we are getting married this afternoon." Mark said to her just before the door open. 

Steve had been pacing around the room as he was a cage animal, ever since he walked back to their room. Windy and he had been talking most of the night and this morning, about this and that. What Steve could not understand at first was why Windy had been nervous all night, but not really telling him what was on her mind until a little while ago. Now he knows why she couldn't sleep, she had been worrying about their baby girl.  

Windy had told him in between the tears that she knew he would get upset and do something really stupid, which he did. Now he did not know if his little girl would ever forgive him, for rushing into that room and seeing them both naked lying in bed in each other arms. A part of him refuse to see that she was a grown woman, but the other part of him was relief to see that she had grown into a beautifully young woman. He just hoped she knew what she was getting herself into with this man, because he wasn't a gentle man, but a dangerous man who could kill you and then ask questions later after the fact. 

Steve was pushing his hands through his hair and wanted to pull his hair out for what he had said and done when he heard the knot on the door. 

Windy got up from her chair and again walking toward the door, when Steve spoke. "Honey I will get it. Ok. You just go back, set down, and let me handle this. I will make sure everything is worked out with our little girl, oh I mean our grown girl. You see I am learning. It just takes me a while to learn something new, that's all." 

Steve opens the door and there stood Lori and Mark. He opens the door wider and they walked inside the room.  

Before Steve could open his mouth Windy was out of her chair running toward Lori with open arms. Windy wrapped her arms around her and said softly, "I am sorry what happen earlier, sweetie, but I couldn't stop him, I tried. I hope you can forgive him Lori but his is your dad and he's looking out for you. That is what a dad does, you know." 

Lori whispers back to her mom, "I know mom, I know mom. I forgave him just as soon as he walked out of that door." Both of them were wiping the tears from their faces when they finally turned around facing the men they loved. 

Lori walked over toward her dad wrapping her arms around his waist, and said to him. "I love you dad, and there is nothing to forgive you for because, you did the right thing. You were making sure I was alright and I love you for that." 

Steve gave his daughter a huge hug and then kisses her on her forehead, then walked over to where Mark was standing. He handled out his hand and waited for Mark to shake his hand.  

Mark step forward, took the man's hand, and shook hands with him. Then he said a loud so everyone could hear him say the words he had been dying to say for days. "I love your daughter with all my heart and soul. I will take good care of her and if something happens I would lie my life down for her, I can promise you that. We are getting married this afternoon as soon as we find us a preacher." 

Windy walks over to Mark, gave him a big hug, and said to him, "Welcome to the family Mark." 

Steve patted him on his shoulder and said "Welcome to the family. I hope you know what you are getting yourself into with my daughter, you do" 

Both men were laughing when they all stepped out into the hallway.

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