Chapter 32

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Adventure of a Life Time

Chapter 32

Within two days, they are back on the trail traveling west as plan. Out of all the animals, that was sick only one die from the colic.  

They was hoping they would be entering Wyoming, but first they would be entering Scottsbluff where they would start entering the mountains and with wide-open valleys. The only thing they had to worry about would be the Indians in the area. Billy had told them to be on the lookout for smoke on the mountaintops as they pass by them. Therefore, we kept our eyes open looking for any kind of trouble. 

It was late afternoon the sun was shining low against the mountains as it was setting in the west. The colors on the side of the mountains from the sun, was pinks, purples, oranges with some dark shallows where the sun was not touching. The mountains looked like God had taken his brush and just painted the colors as he saw it in his mind. It was the most beautiful sight we had ever seen. 

We made camp for the night just as the sun was going down; there was plenty of grass for our horses and our other animals to graze. The only thing we need was water to drink, although we had water in barrels on the sides of our wagons, we still needed more water for when there was none to be found. So some of the men got together and rode closer to the mountains mot far from where we have made camp. 

It was just after supper and we are setting around our campfires enjoying the cooler air that had come with being nighttime. The stars are out shining brightly with a half-moon showing in the east. Every once in a while we would hear thunder off in the distance and see lightening flash across the sky. However, other than that it was ever peaceful. 

We were getting ready to roll out our bedrolls by the fires, when the men who rode out earlier came galloping in camp pretty fast. They jump down from their horses with look of horror on their faces.  

Steve was one of the men who had been out looking for water in the mountains. The only problem was David had gone with him, but he wasn't with his dad. 

Windy runs over toward Steve saying to him. "Where is my son Steve?" 

Steve just looks at her as if she had just lost her mind by asking such a question as that. When he did not answer her, she slaps him hard across his face. Windy yelling, "Where is my son" he shakes his head to clear it, then he answers. "We were attack from behind. I guess there were about twenty young Indian braves that attack us. When it was all over with, I could not find David anywhere. They took him Windy. They took our boy." 

"What are you talking about Steve?" Windy could not believe her ears about what he was telling her. She just has seen her son a few hours ago, now he was gone. "Why did they take my boy? How could they?" 

Windy was looking around her seeing the other men, some were wounded with arrows sticking out of the legs or shoulders. However, none of the men was dead. She looks back at Steve and starts questioning him again. "Why did you not go after our boy? Why are you here now and not going after them to bring him back? Why?" 

Steve rubs his face with his hands trying to clean his mind before he answered. Instead, Billy answers her. "We are going after your boy in the morning. There was too many of them and I thought it would be better if we came back here get these men taken care of first, then go back out first thing in the morning with more men. We will get your boy back, but I could not go leaving those men hurt as they were. You know I am right windy." 

Just then, Lori ran over to her mom with tears running down her face. She had heard the news of her brother benign taken. Lori goes other mom and hugs her while they both cried in each other arms. 

The old doctor went from man to man and fixing them up.  

Off in the distance somewhere in the mountains drums had begun playing. Every once in a while screams could be heard echoing through the night.

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