Chapter 5

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Adventure of a Life Time  

Chapter 5 

The following morning after killing the two mountain loins the night before, we finally had a fairly restful night. Everyone was talking about what had happen to Steve Andrew and his son David. How they came so uncomfortable close by getting killed by one those mountain lions, if Henry had not been close by when he heard the shot and was able to run over to where they were standing and by seeing the other mountain lion ready to attack them where they stood. Therefore, Henry was able to kill the other mountain lion without anyone getting hurt. 

They were soon back on trial again, going up and down the rolling hills, hoping they would soon see a little bit of flat land a head, however at this point they were wondering if they would every see anything that did not have hills or see what some people call large rocks but really they were called mountains. 

Lori was in the back of the wagon looking for more gloves, that her mother might be able to wear. Whatever Windy had been doing this morning she tore holes in hers gloves, now her both of her hands were bloody. She knew she would need to clean the cuts and blisters on her mom's hands. 

Lori calls out as loud she could so her mom would be able to hear her over the noise coming from the wagon wheels and the other sounds coming from the animals, "Mom, where is that medicine we use for cuts? I cannot fine it anywhere back here in all this stuff back here?" 

Windy turns halfway around looking inside the wagon where Lori was setting on her knees. "Lori its right behind you, inside that middle size red box, you will see a small red and white box? It's all in there. Why are you looking for it? Is there something wrong?" Windy yells back to her daughter. 

Lori yells back, "Oh I am finding! It's you mom! You have done something to both of your hands this morning. Why didn't you stop what you were doing and clean them before we left camp this morning? Oh! I found it! Thanks mom!"  

Lori climbs back out of the wagon, then up front beside her mom holding the small box that was held all there medicines. Lori starts speaking to her mother as if she was a child. "You know when you get hurt out here you need to stop what you are doing and clean the cut so you don't get an infection. Isn't that what you have told me to do a thousand times, before? Well guess what I was listening to you. Now give me one of your hands and will clean it for you." 

Windy took off her glove off one hand and while holding both reins in the other hand while she spoke to Lori, "Lori thank you for taking sure good care of my hands, I was planning on taking of them when we stop this afternoon." 

Then Lori starts talking to her after seeing how bad her hand really was. "Sometimes, I wish I had a sister, you know in helping me doing things. You know what I mean, mom. Nevertheless, some of the other girls that are my age, they don't know their head from a hold in the ground. Some of them are dumber than a rock. I swear they are mom. I wish one of my friends from back home were on this wagon train with me. Oh don't pay me any attention; I'm just talking, about wanting a sister, so I would not be the only teenager girl in this family. But then Mom, what would you do if had two teenagers girls like me?" Lori starts laughing while thinking of all the trouble her mom and dad would have. That's just too funny to even to think about mom. 

Windy turns her head looking at her daughter quickly before turning looking back up front toward of their horses and the back of the next wagon before saying. "Honey, you are being so hard on those other girls? You have to give them a chance, this is hard on them too and if you think about it some of those girls have never lived on a farm in their lives, and you have. That makes a big difference in my book. OK. Lori. Now thinking about having another girl like you, well let's just say, I have my hands full with you and your brother. If you think about it, you and your brother are so much alike, it's not funny. You both have a wild streak a mile wide." Windy starts laughing, just thinking about it seeing Steve's face was too much. 

While her mom was laughing, Lori tries taking care of her mom's hand when the wagons stop for a couple minutes.  

Lori motions using her hand before saying "Let me look at your other hand, so I can at least clean it some."  

Windy replies, "Oh don't worry about it right now. The other hand was the worst anyways. But I am wondering, why we have stopped all a sudden?" 

All a sudden Steve was riding in fast by their wagon yelling, "Look over there! You see those men coming in fast. If there are any shots fired, I want you to both get under wagon and stay there, until I tell you otherwise. I don't know who these men are. I am going to find Henry see if he knows who they might be. Because right now there is, something just isn't right about this.  

"David you stay with your mother and Lori. OK." Steve called out to his son. 

Steve rode off to where Henry was watching those men riding fast some distance away from our wagon train.  

Then without any kind of warning a man came up out of nowhere, grabbing Lori around her waist, pulling her out of her seat. Before Lori knew it, she was thrown flat across a saddle in front a person that just took her from her wagon seat. Lori head was pointing toward the ground, as they were galloping away, before anyone could do anything to stop it. This man has Lori lying across his saddle as he gallops away heading to the north away from the wagon train and her family. 

Lori was in such shock at what is happening to her, it took her a few moments to get her wits about her. Once she did, she took her advantage of every opportunity she might have, because he was not paying her attention just trying to get away in one piece once the shooting started. She couldn't tell if anyone was shooting at him or her or at the men who was attacking the wagon train. However the farther they went the less she could hear gunfire. She knew that was not good not by a long shot. 

Lori slowly reaches down to the bottom ring on stirrup and pull it hard, trying to loosen it up some. Her mind was working a mile a minute; she knew she did not have a lot of time to play around; so the only thing she could think of doing was biting his leg. Lori bites down hard on the man's leg as hard as she could without letting go. While Lori was biting his leg, he grabs his leg; he begins sliding sideways in the saddle, nearly falling out of his saddle. While he was trying to stay in the saddle, she knew this was her chance to get away; so she pushes herself forward to the ground, where she rolls a few times, before jumping to her feet and starts running like the hounds of hell was after her.  

She has no idea where she is running to as long as she getting away from him. Her heart is pounding out of her chest and her lungs are burning not enough air to breath in her lungs, but she runs anyways. Her only hope was getting away from this mad man. So she ran as fast a she could.

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