Chapter 24

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Adventure of a Life Time 

Chapter 24 

Early the next morning everyone was up moving around camp, cooking breakfast or feeding the animals, hoping to have a head start on the day. It's wasn't long before all the chores were done after breakfast, like washing the dishes and putting them away; before going to their wagons and getting dressed to ride in town. 

When Windy and Lori climbed out of the wagon after getting dress, they looked around for a second looking for Steve and David. About the same time, they spotted Steve, David, Henry and Mark talking to a stranger who had rode in camp a few minutes ago while they were getting dress. 

Windy starts walking over to where they were talking to this stronger so naturally Lori follows her mom to where she was going. Windy went to where her husband was standing and listen to what this was telling them. All thou she only ought the last part of what he was saying to the men standing around him and his horse. 

Windy looks over up to Steve and whispers to him, "What is this all about? Is there anything wrong that we should be worried about before going into town?" 

Steve looks down to where she was standing and gave her a smile, before telling her what was going on. "Oh, it's really is nothing for you to worry about, honey. This man is just greeting us is all? In addition, he's telling us he doesn't want any trouble from us, however, we can have a good time in town, and so on... Honey you know how towns are out here in the Wild West, some of the men getting into fists fights, a few gunfights, too much drinking. However, that's it really. Oh, there was one thing you should know; this really isn't a big town, more like a tent town. Before you say anything, there is one general store and a newly built hotel, but other than that there isn't much to see." 

Windy whispers back to him, "I really don't care about the tents, just as long as they have a general store and we can sleep in a real bed tonight. Oh, and don't forget a hot bath too. I can feel that hot bath and that bed right now, so hurry up and get going shall we dear."  

Windy looks behind her and sees Lori was standing right behind her and whispers t her. "Did you hear that Lori? They have a general store and a hotel." 

Lori kind of blush when she heard them talking about the hotel and was hoping no one would notice her blushing. Anyways Lori smiles at her mom and whispers, "I heard. Let's go. I want to see what they have gotten in that store." 

A few minutes later, the group broke up and Steve turns toward them and said to them. "I think it would be best if we rode our horses into town, instead of walking. I think our wagon would be finding here. Let's get going, and Windy and Lori, do not buy out the store. I am not made of money. But have fun while you are there." 

They all went and got their horses saddled and was ready to leave within ten minutes. They all rode out of the camp as a large group, and Mark, Henry, Billy and with a few others from wagon train. 

Mark rode close to Lori and whispered so no one else would hear him saying anything to her. "When you get through shopping and I get done what I have to do I will look for you and we can go and find something to eat this afternoon. That is if you still want to see me and all." 

When she glances over toward him she knowing she was blushing big time, but she couldn't stop from smiling, when she said to him. "Yes I would love to." 

Mark was looking ahead with a big smile on his face when he answers, "I see you then, Lori."

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