Chapter 18

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Adventure of a Life Time  

Chapter 18 

David ran until he was a few feet away from his own campsite, before he stopped running and began walking, closer to where his mom was setting up waiting to hear what had happen out there. That was the best way of going in without frightening her into thinking someone was hurt. 

David sat down beside his mom and Lori telling them word for word from the beginning and what happen once he and his dad were standing there listening and watching as everything happen right before his eyes. 

Windy sat there listening to what her son told her that everyone was fine and not to worry that dad would be back in a little while.  

Windy laid there in her bedroll waiting for Steve to come back to bed; she laid there for about thirty minutes, or so until she figured David was sound asleep.  

She ever carefully climbed out of her bedroll as quietly as possible. Once she was on her hands and knees, she looked around to see if anyone was moving about. Then she got up and started walking toward back of their wagon. Then she kept walking on the far side of the wagons where no one could see her or maybe asked her questions why she was up walking around. She kept walking as quietly as she could, until she was close enough to where her husband and her friends had tied a man to a wagon wheel. 

Windy got down on her knees and placed one hand on the back of the wagon to hold onto, so she would not fall as she lends in to listens. She had put her other hand over her mouth, what she heard them saying.  

She tried to catching her breathe, but it was as if she couldn't breathe. Somehow, she forgotten she was holding her breathe the whole time she was listening to them talk. Once she realizes what she was doing, she lets it out slowly before breathing again. Windy had no idea she had tears running down her checks as she listened to the story Billy was telling.  

She couldn't believe that her husband would ever be invading into doing anything that cruel to another person. However, she knew deep down that anything could happen out here when you lived in a wild country as this. In addition, she knew, sometimes men forgot to be men, and not animals. Right now, they were acting more like animals or savages than being the loving men she knew they were. She couldn't stand listening to this anymore. She had to do something if it's the last thing she did or die trying. 

Windy somehow takes another deep breath before letting it out slowly. She notices her hands were shaking when she starts wiping her tears away from her face. She mutters to herself, "I have to do something now before it's too late, but what?" 

Before she knew what she is doing, she is walking from behind the wagon she had been hiding, walking forward to where her husband and friends were talking setting in front of a man tied to a wagon wheel like an animal. 

When she got closer to her friends and Steve, she hears Jimmy screaming out. "I have told you all I know! I am telling you the truth! I swear on my mother's grave!" 

Windy couldn't take it anymore. She began screaming as she ran to where they were seating around low burning fire. "Steve how dare you just sat there and listen to this bull-shit and do nothing to stop it! You better be getting off your ass right now! Or so help me God; you are going to be the one hurting!" She was so mad she was seeing red. 

Steve and his friends jumped up, turning around seeing her running toward them as if, she was the mad woman. Because Steve had never seen his wife this mad as long as they had been married. He knew by looking at her she heard the story Billy had just told. 

When Windy ran to Steve, she slapped him across his face as hard as she could, as tears running down her face. 

Before she could hit him, again he grabs her hand wrapping his other arm around her waist, holding her in place against his chest. Steve whispers by her ear. "You shouldn't be here, sweetheart. This was not meant for you to be hearing. You know I would never let anything like that to happen here. You know that. Now go back to bed. I will be there in a little while." 

Windy starts struggling and fighting to get out of Steve's arms. However, he was holding her so tight that she was wearing herself out. She took her fists, mainly hitting on his chest.  

Finally, she stopped fighting Steve; he picked her up in his arms carrying her back to their bedroll and laying her down and covering her up. Then he placed a kiss on her forehead. He whispers before standing, "I am sorry you heard all of that. We were just scaring him. It was all talk. I hope you know me better than that by now. It was all talk sweethearts." 

The next morning Windy when she woke up she notice that Steve did not come to bed at all the night before. Therefore, she walked over to where they were still seating around the fire talking. However, she still had to see if that man was still tied to that wheel like animal. As she walked closer to where they were setting she notice he was still tied to the damn wheel, but he was talking to them as if everything was just peachy with him. 

When she turned around to leave, Henry was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest just watching at her to see what she was going to do next.  

Henry began talking to her. "I am sorry Windy that you heard us talking to that man last night. However, I have to you it was all talk; I would never do any of those things happen on my watch. We are not animals or anything like that. However, we had to get the answers from him. That was the only way, by scaring the shit out of him. I hope you understand I have to think about all my people who are on this wagon train; they are all in my care. Everyone on this wagon train have to come first before anything else. If I had to do it over again I would just to make sure we are safe. Do you understand what I am saying to you, Windy?" 

Windy looked right into his eyes when she answered, "Yes I do understand, but next time something happen like this, give us a warning of some kind. Last night I did not know you or my husband, the way you all were talking." 

Windy walked into Henry's arms and gave him a hug before walking back to her campsite, and packing what few things they had out on the ground. 

Within the next two hours, they were back on the trail again going to a new town hoping they would be dropping off there man to the sheriff there.

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