Chapter 22

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  • Dedicated to Steve Reep

Adventure of a Live Time 

Chapter 22 

When they left the next morning after burials of their love ones, we were continuously looking behind us for more trouble. By midday, we had to stop and rest our animals, from the way we were pushing them. They couldn't take much more, never thou they rested the night before they were still scared, just like we were.  

When we stop to rest we happen to look in the directions where we had come from, we could see large amount of buzzards flying overhead where the Indians warriors lay dead. We thought for sure by now they would have gone back and gotten their fallen braves, unless something was keeping them from doing that. However, we would never know for sure and we didn't want to know either. 

We didn't dare build a fire or anything, but we had gotten out of our wagons and tried to eat while the animals were resting. 

While everyone was settled down in the shade from the sides of the wagons being out of the sun trying not to think about the day before, Mark walked over toward Lori where she was picking at her food, not really wanting nothing. Mark was at her side, looking down at her where she was setting on the dirt. 

Lori placed her hand above her eyes to block out the sun, so she could see his face. She tries to smile, but Mark could tell it wasn't reaching her beautiful eyes. 

So squat down beside her and touched her check with back of his hand while mutter softly to her. "How are you doing? You holding up are alright Lori?" 

Lori tries to widen her smile, but he could tell if wasn't feeling it. When she didn't answer his questions, he took her hand, pulled her to her feet, and said to her. "Come and walk with me for a few minutes before we have to again. Will you Lori, just for a few minutes?" 

Lori nods her head while he was still holding her hand and followed him to where he wanted to go. They walked for maybe ten minutes or so when they stop. When she looked around her, she notice, somehow he found one small tree to stand under. 

When he turned her around, she was fronting him. She helps but smiles up at him, because he had found the one tree out of the whole area for her to be out of the sun. How could she not smile at something like that? 

Lori lays her hand on his check, while looking up at him waiting to hear what he had to tell her. 

Before he could say anything to her, he had to kiss her first. He felt like it had been ages since he kiss her. He needs to feel her warm lips against his. He felt like if he didn't kiss her right now he would die. Therefore, he wraps his arms around her pulls her close to his body as he lower his head to kiss her sweet lips. Once his lips were touching hers he felt so live inside, burning with a need, he has never known before, with any other woman, only with her. 

Once he was done kissing her, he slowly raises his head up, noticing she was feeling the same thing he was. They were both breathing hard after the kiss. After a second or two, he whispers by her ear while he just had to kiss her there. "I need you so much Lori. I have never felt this way before. I have been thinking about you so much since we left the river. I want to ask you something, but if you are uncomfortable with it Lori, then just say so. I will understand... that you are not ready. OK Lori." 

Lori has her head tilt to the side so he could keep kissing by her ear. All Lori could think about while he was kissing her neck, just below her ear, was please never stop doing this. What he was doing was making her legs weak, where all she wanted to do was lay down with him kissing her whole body forever. She didn't know that kissing someone like this would make her body so hot and ache too at the same time. 

However, he stop kissing her neck and was waiting for her to answer, she finally said softly, "OK." 

Mark clears his throat before he said to her. "Lori when we get to the small town and if they have a hotel, will you spend the night with me; Lori I want to make love to you in a bed, not on the ground. I need you so much. It's killing me. Please tell me you feel the same way Lori?" 

All Lori could say was, "Yes." 

Then he was kissing her all over again, not wanting to stop. However, he had to stop, so they were leaving soon and he wanted to get to this little town as fast as they could. 

Therefore, they were walking back to her wagon, before he stops and whispers to her. "Honey doesn't say anything to your mam or dad or David ok. I will come and get you when I have our room for us. OK." 

Lori answers, "OK." 

Then they were back at her wagon and as he was leaving, she was climbing up into the wagon and setting beside her mom.

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