Chapter 35

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Adventure of a Life Time 

Chapter 35 

While the men was being held in the larger tee-pee, Chief Eyes of an Eagle took his warriors to another tee-pee where they would have their meeting and talk about what was going to happen with their captures. 

After entering another tee-pee, everyone took his or her seats around the glowing fire in the middle of the floor. To begin the talks, Chief Eyes of an Eagle took out his pipe and then took a small piece of wood from the flames and lit his pipe. Then he inhale a deep breathes of smoke into his lungs before passing the pipe around to the other warriors. The chief waited until the pipe came back around to him before letting them start talking. 

One of the young braves stands up facing his chief and the other braves as he spoke. "Chief Eyes of an Eagle, I thought one of us would be marrying her, not some white man. We are more worthy and stronger than he will ever be. So I am saying to you he cannot marry her, she has to marry one of us."  

The other brave was shouting out their answers to this. "Yes she is ours!" 

Then another brave named Running Feet stands up facing his chief and said to all that was here. "I agree with my young friend here, but like me I have been waiting for her to come of age so I could take her for my bride. So I say I will fight for her to the death if I have too." 

The other braves shouting, "Yes! Yes! Let him fight for her to the death!" 

Chief Eyes of Eagle raises his arms for all to be silence before he spoke to them. As he was waiting for them to silence he was looking at each of their faces for any kind of distrust or jealousy between him. He saw none. 

Some of the braves were still talking among themselves for a few moments until they saw the look on their chief's face. He was not happy with them at all, if the look he was giving them, they wanted to dig a hole in the ground and burial their heads, because they felt a shame. 

After everyone finally quieted down so he could talk, he said to him or her. "I did not make that decision; she came to me saying she would marry him because I was going to sentence him to death with all of his family members. However, she beg me not kill him and his family. So now are you telling me you want to kill her now for marrying him, remember she is white too, not one of us. So what do you all say?" 

Running Feet that had stood up before stood again and said to his chief and the other braves. "Chief Eyes of an Eagle, I love Golden Hair that Shines, I say I will fight for her, but not to the death, only to see who is the strangest. The one that is left standing can marry her and the other one has to leave here alive." 

Chief Eyes of an Eagle stood up facing his young braves and said to them. "Running Feet you will fight this white man tomorrow at noon. Both of you will have your hands tied together and you both will fight until the other one cannot stand anymore. The one still standing will be married the next day. Is this clear Running Feet?" 

Running Feet replies, "Yes my Chief Eyes of an Eagle." 

Then the chief got up and left walking back to explain what will be happening the next day. 

When the chief stepped inside the tee-pee where the captures were being held he had a small smile on his face. He walked over to Golden Hair that shines and sitting down and began explaining to her what would happen, that it was out of his hands, and she would be marrying a David or Running Feet. 

Where Chief Eyes of an Eagle was sitting, he was able to see their faces as Golden Hair was speaking to them in English. Once she was done explaining to them what was going to happen he waited for a few seconds for any questions they might have. 

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