Chapter 21

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Adventure of a Life Time 

Chapter 21 

We have been traveling with this wagon train for close to three months now. I hope that we might be in Oregon before the starts falling this coming winter. Well that is what we are all hoping for, but like what Henry said before we left, it's too soon to tell. 

Now we are getting close to a small town called Kansas City. Therefore, we have no idea what this small town will be like. However, some of the women have been talking that they would love to sleep in a real bed for a change. Well we all were complaining how their backsides were hurting from laying on the ground and seating on the hard benches on our wagons. It didn't matter if we sat on cushions or pillows, your butt and your back still hurt. I guess that's way some of the women were walking long side their wagons today, hoping to walk the pain out or by nightfall they will be so tired from walking they will just fall sleep, not caring way. 

Henry rode up to Billy and said to him, "Billy I want you to do a little scouting for me. Because for the last few hours I have been seeing some smoke signs off to our right, about mile away or so, I want you to find out what causing it. Then ride back here. Something just doesn't feel right and just because we are a day away from a small city, that doesn't mean anything." 

Billy looks over his shoulder to where Henry wanted to check out. Billy said to Henry, "I saw that smoke early this morning in the distance. I will go check it out; I should be back in about an hour or so. Wish me luck boss." Then Billy turned his horse around before galloping toward the smoke he was seeing in the hills. 

Less than an hour Billy was back riding fast. He sees Henry riding along by Steve's wagon. He races over there and stops within a few feet of Henry and the Steve's wagon.  

Henry sees Billy riding in fast and waits to see what he has to tell him. He could tell by the look on his face it wasn't good news. 

Billy lends forward in his saddle over his horse's neck looking at Henry then turns his head looking at the other wagons full of people that were now like his family. He shakes his head and then told Henry what was going on. "Henry it doesn't look good. While I was riding up there, I found a burnt out ranch house. I stop to see if anyone was hurt so I could help him or her out I could. What I found there will make you sick in your stomach. The whole family was killed by Indians even the kids were killed. I have never seen anything like it before. After I left there I went on and found an Indian village and it looks like they are getting ready for war or something." 

Henry rode up closer to Billy before asking him, "How many Indians in that village would say there was?" 

Billy wipes his face with his hand before answering. He takes two deep breaths and let them out slowly while looking around the area and not seeing much, just wide open land. He looks back at Henry then said, "Well what I could tell it wasn't good, but I would make a guess and say about fifteen to twenty in all that is including the Indians kids and their women too. However, the Indian men were young braves. However, the funny thing about this picture is this, where were the older braves at? Maybe they were in the tepees or whatever. Also boss whoever killed that family sure wasn't white people. I can tell you that. I would have to say we really do need to get out of this area as fast we can get. " 

Henry answers Billy, "I was thinking the same thing. Billy you ride up ahead and get these wagons moving faster, just maybe we can make it before they see our dust flying. Then we are up the creek without a paddle to our name, because then we will have to stop and fight out way out of it. Go!" 

Then Henry turns toward Steve and Windy and said to them, "You heard it all. Now move it!" 

Henry turns around going toward the last wagon in our wagon train. It wasn't long before the wagons were leaving a dust train behind them. 

Within maybe, two hours of traveling hard, the animals were getting tired and hot. The ones that walking before was now running beside their wagons. Every few minutes someone was falling down on the ground and getting back up and try to catch back up. It was a losing battle for them, because they were bone tired and thirsty, and don't want to be a burden to anyone or cause for someone to be killed because of them. 

All a sudden war cries could be heard, coming toward them. Henry races toward the front and told them to start making a large circle, they were going have to fight this one out after all. 

Soon all the wagons were in a large circle, the people were under their wagons waiting for the attack to come. Then didn't have to wait long, the Indians were racing around there wagons. With war paint on their faces and their horses were wearing their war colors on their face and hair.  

Then all at once, the arrows were flying through the air coming toward them, some hitting their wagons and coming close to where they were laying beneath the wagons. Everyone was shooting their guns as fast as they could, while the women were reloading there rifles. 

You could hear some of the people screaming out in pain when they were hit. However, the Indians kept coming, going around there circle of wagons. One would fall to the ground while another one was there to take his place. It was just none stopping fighting for our lives about thirty minutes, before they started leaving. 

We watch them leave, the way they came in. There dead lying on the ground where they fallen.  

After a few minutes of watching making sure, they were leaving for good, we climbed out from under the wagons to see to our wounded. From the look of it, we had two men killed and five men were wounded, but what broke Wendy's heart was seeing one of the women crying over her little five-year-old boy. She had him in her arms rocking back and forth, just crying her heart out. There was an arrow that went through his little back. 

Windy turns away knowing there was nothing she could do for her or for him, but let her have her time with her son. So she got busy helping other families that were wounded.  

They stayed the night where they were, know the Indians would not be coming for their dead until later on. 

Before leaving the next morning we burial the little boy and the two men before leaving, we knew we had to leave fast now since the sun was up and flies buzzing around the deal bodies still lying on the ground. We were hoping we could get away from this sight and into a happier place.  

Henry told us all at the burials that we were about one day away from the town.

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