.:2:. (Tyler)

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I slowly walk up the steps and through the town hall doors, the crowd either parting around me or bumping into me to get into the building faster. These meetings aren’t that great, why are they in such  a hurry? I think as I scan the room, spying an empty seat next to a boy about my age, maybe a few years younger, next to someone who I assume is his mother. I quickly take my seat and shoot him a small smile but he doesn’t notice, he instead scoots closer to his mom and ignores me.

A few minutes later Mayor Anathema barges through the door, hair in a tight bun at the top of her head, a girl following her with her head down, and everyone goes silent. She marches up the steps of the stage, heels clacking, while she takes her place at the podium and the girl sits in a chair to the left.

The boy next to me pulls on a few strands of his hair nervously while the mayor begins speaking.

“This woman,” She starts before shooting the girl a glare and shaking her head, “shall be banished to Hometown.” Everyone around the room gasps and shakes their head along with the mayor.

I roll my eyes at everyone’s reactions. Really? What the fuck did they think was going to happen? She was going to get a fucking gift card?

“Jenna Black, has committed dirty, dirty crimes with a married man!” The mayor yells and everyone gasps again, a few ‘how dare shes’ echoing around the room. “She is now color blind forever, and, as you all know, she will receive this bag of birdseed to fend off the monsters in Hometown for a while.” She pulls out a bag of birdseed from her podium and everyone nods while she hands it to Jenna. “Everyone say goodbye to Miss Jenna Black.” The mayor sighs and everyone sighs along. Are they all goddamn parrots? I roll my eyes again and look over to see the boy with a sad expression painted on his facial features.

“Hey,” I whisper and he turns his head slightly towards me, signalling me to continue. “She’ll be okay.” I smile and he nods a bit, it was barely noticeable, before turning back to watch Jenna being taken off stage.

Once Jenna and Mayor Anathema are out of sight everyone gets up and starts pouring out of the doors and into the street again. I quickly find a piece of scrap paper in my pocket and jot my phone number down with a pencil I found on the ground nearby during the meeting. I quickly set the note down right next to his hand and melt into the crowd, praying he sees it and takes it.

a/n spooky: I'm sorry if the whole Hometown birdseed thing doesn't make since right now. It'll be explained in the next few chapters though :)

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