.:13:. (Josh)

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Nighttime, that’s all I was waiting for. I just wanted to go to Tyler’s and hang out with him. Well, I also wanted to smoke with him of course but mostly just hang out. Right now I was sitting behind a desk while Mama neatly stacked a pile of important papers next to her.

She gives me a warm glance but I just glare, making her snort. She quickly looks back at her work and starts going through the neat pile that she had just made.

I glance at the clock and groan when I notice I still have two hours of sitting behind a desk doing nothing. I still don’t understand why I can’t see Tyler, he never did anything bad except offer a cigarette and that’s nothing to keep me away from. I wonder what he’s doing right now? Probably hanging out with Zack most likely.

I rest my arms against the desk and lay my head down, trying to sleep to make this agonizingly slow process go by faster. Before I know it, darkness sweeps over me and I enter a happy world of dreams and relaxation.


“Joshua, wake up!” Mama screams at me while slapping my back. I feel my raw skin break and dribbles of blood start to emerge from my back, slightly staining the back of my shirt.

I whimper as she grabs my shirt and yanks me up from my comfortable sleeping position.

“Okay, okay I’m up!” I exclaim while breaking her grip of me. What happened to the sweet Mama I knew? Now she’s just a steaming pile of crap… I let a slight giggle out at my thought. She just glares at me and starts leading me to the parking lot.

After we had gotten home she throws her purse on the couch and yawns, “I’m going to make you dinner and then go to bed. It may be early but oh boy does my boss tire me out.”  She walks into the kitchen and starts grabbing things out of the fridge. While she cooks, I sit down and watch some television.

A few minutes in I hear a familiar meow coming from outside the back door. Excitedly I jump to my feet and rush to the door, opening up to see Tyler. He rubs up against my leg and lets out another meow. I bend down and give him a small pat on the head, a grin spread on my face.

“What’chya doing here, Tyler? You know Mama doesn’t like you. Well she doesn’t like Bear either.” I remark sadly. I notice how thin Tyler has become while petting his sides and form my mouth into the shape of an O.

“You’re starving aren’t you? Ohhh, I wish I could bring you inside but Mama would probably beat me again… what if I took you to Bear? Maybe he’ll take care of you. Screw it, I’m hiding you in my room.” I grab him and sprint upstairs, making sure Mama doesn’t see the small furry creature in my hands. I place Tyler on my bed and throw a blanket over him, keeping him hidden in case Mama comes upstairs but also keeping him warm. I had decided that I’m taking Tyler to Tyler when I snuck out to meet him.

Mama calls me down to eat but when I arrive I notice that she’s already gone to bed. Wow, she must’ve really been tired. She never goes to bed this early. Well, more time at Bear’s house that means.

As I grab my food I notice a small note on the island in Mama’s handwriting.

We’re going to the Town Meeting tomorrow so get some good sleep :)


I ignore the ‘get some good sleep’ part and head over to Bear’s with Tyler in my hands.

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