.:25:. (Tyler)

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“You ready, JoJo?” I smile as I slide on my mustard colored hoodie, actually able to see the color. He nods and takes my hand, leading me to my car.

We climb in and drive to Taco Bell before running inside and ordering. When the cashier calls the number of our order I jump up and grab it off of the counter, thanking her in the process. When I return I see a man from across the restaurant staring at Josh with a smirk painted on his features.

The man gets up from his booth and walks past our table on his way to the trash. When he passes Josh he lightly brushes his fingertips across Josh’s arm and I can feel my blood start to boil.

He leans his mouth down next to Josh’s ear and I can barely make out what he says as Josh squirms away. “Let me take you away from this dump.”

“Excuse me?” I stare at him and he whips his head around to face me with a sinister grin. He latches his hand onto Josh’s arm and pulls roughly, jolting him to the edge of his chair. I stand and launch myself at the man, seeing red. I yank his arm off of Josh and Josh cowers down in his chair, his eyes going wide. “Don’t fucking touch him.” I seethe and the guy chuckles a bit.

“What are you gonna do about it?” He teases and I ball my hands into fists at my sides to refrain from strangling the man.

“Please, back away from him right now, sir.” I calmly reply, ignoring his question. He reaches his hand out towards Josh again.

“Come with me, okay? I’ll treat you better than this scumbag. It’s-” He continues to whisper things to Josh but I stop him from continuing by yanking his shoulder back.

“Are you deaf? I said leave him alone.”

“Listen, pal. I understand you’re trying to protect your friend here but I sense something in him.” He explains and I shake my head, laughing hysterically.

“You ‘sense something in my friend’?” I laugh, putting air quotes around his exact words and he furrows his brows. “You idiot, he’s my soulmate and just because you’re desperate to see the world in color doesn’t mean you can just take people.” I poke his chest and he growls something under his breath, slowly backing away from Josh and I.

As I walk towards Josh to make sure he’s okay the man shoves me to the ground, another smirk forming on his face. I stand up and see the man now has his back turned, that was a big mistake. I grip his shoulder and spin him around, landing a hard punch to the bottom of his jaw. His eyes go wide as he swings back, managing to hit my eyebrow, splitting the skin there.

The rest happens in a blur of adrenaline but eventually an employee is helping Josh pull me off of the man who now has bruises starting to form in multiple places and cuts and scratches littered across his skin. Josh drags me out of the restaurant and climbs into the passenger seat without saying a word.

a/n spooky: wowzaaaaaaaaaaa

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