.:32:. (Josh)

467 38 8

I set my suitcase full of clothes on the ground and sigh, looking around my new bedroom. I had moved in with Bear after Mama died, I even had to sell my own childhood home so it wouldn't rot without someone to care for it.

"Tell me when you're done unpacking, alright? I'll just be in my room." Tyler calls out. I mumble out an 'okay' and kneel down to unpack my bag. Zack had thought it would be better if Tyler and I slept in different rooms because he didn't want us to stay up too late talking or doing... other things.

After I finish, I head over to Tyler's room and collapse onto his bed.

"You tired?" He questions while putting a few things in his closet. I turn onto my back and let out a loud sigh, "no, I'm just sad, honestly." Tyler turns to me and sits down, running his hand through my fading blue hair and letting out a humming noise.

"I'm sorry, sunshine. Can I cheer you up and take you to a park?" I shake my head 'no,' not really wanting to leave the house today.

"Well then," he stops talking for a second, thinking of places where he could take me, "can I take you to the roof? Where we had our first date?" He lands a kiss to the corner of my lips, the smell of cigarettes washing over me as he got closer.

"Oh fine, what are we even going to do up there. It's a roof." Tyler rolls his eyes and nudges me upwards. "Way to dampen the mood, JoJo. C'mon, I'll bring my ukulele."

After getting me up, Tyler goes and grabs his ukulele from behind his bed and leads me up to the roof. This time I didn't have to worry about my skirt flying upwards as I was wearing pants and a grey hoodie today.

Bear grabs my hand after I climb to the last step of the ladder and helps me onto the roof. As it was the morning, the shingles were covered in morning dew and the blanket that sat up there was blotchy and damp.

"Are you okay with your pants getting a little wet?" I make a face of disgust but nod my head anyways, willing to do whatever with Bear. I squeak in shock as I feel the water seep into my pants and quickly jump up.

"Oh, it's not that bad JoJo." He looks away from me and plays a small tune on his ukulele. I slowly sit back down, hissing as I feel the water seep into my boxers.

"So here we are again, on the roof and looking down on everyone." Bear states, softly strumming an unfamiliar tune on the small instrument. I nod, not really wanting to speak as I was still depressed from the funeral.

"This one is called Message Man." He says before breaking out into small 'no's' and 'yeah's.' I pull my legs up to my chest while listening him, letting his beautiful voice wash over me.

A few minutes had passed before he let out the last lyric and sets his ukulele in his lap. "That was really beautiful, Bear. I loved it a lot." I smile at him and earn an adorable crooked smile in reply. Before I can do anything else, Tyler leaps from his spot and tackles me, placing kisses all over my face as I land on the shingles.

"I'm sorry, I just had to do that. You just make me so happy." He hovers over me for a second, both of us gazing into the other's eyes. A different side takes over me and I grab the collar of Tyler's leather jacket, bring him down until our lips collide together. "God, I love you so fucking much." Tyler breathes out while breaking apart from me.

"I don't think I've told you how much I love you, but as of right now it's indescribable." Blushing, I reach up and kiss him shyly.

"Alright, tough guy, I think I love you a little more than that though." Tyler lays against my chest and looks up at me with innocent eyes.


a/n oli: i dont know what this chapter it :] ....uhohtheepilogueisnext

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