.:23:. (Tyler)

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“Mama!” Josh shouts and frantically throws his comforter over his midsection, a petrified look in his eyes.

“I-I guess I’ll just leave you be then.” She awkwardly starts backing out of the door and trips a bit on the door frame, before standing up straight again and closing the door softly.

I turn to Josh, both of our faces burning red from the embarrassment of being caught, and start laughing so hard that tears start to form in my eyes. “Well, I guess she’ll know to knock next time.” I breathily laugh and Josh nods a bit, slowly inching the blanket off of his legs, silently asking me to continue. “So, where were we?” I whisper low in his ear and he bites his lip, holding in a moan most likely.

I slowly inch my hands down his pale chest and nestle them in between the indentations of his hipbones, trailing a line of kisses down to the valley of his hips.  

He bucks his hips up, looking for any friction he can, and I laugh breathily against his skin, raising goosebumps and causing him to squirm. “P-please, bear.” He begs and I simply shake my head ‘no’, deciding to tease him a bit more and he whines.

“Shh, quiet, JoJo.” I whisper in his ear and he shudders, whining again. “Now, turn over for me, baby.” I order and he does as told, quickly flipping onto his stomach. “Good,” I mumble as I place a small kiss on his shoulder while reaching my hands down to cup his ass. He buries his face into the pillows and blankets beneath him as I give his ass an experimental squeeze, his face immediately turning red as he squeals, the noise muffled. “You like that, JoJo?” I ask and he bashfully nods.

“Umhm,” He hums and I grin, bringing my hand down, hard. He lets out a yelp and tenses, but quickly relaxes again and lifts his hips off of the bed a bit. I give him another slap then move a few fingers in front of his mouth.

“Suck,” I demand and he gives me a strange look. “You’ll see why, baby.” I smirk and he hesitantly nods, taking my fingers in his mouth and swirling his tongue around them, his eyelashes slowly fluttering closed.

A low moan forms in my throat and I fight to keep it in, a strangled noise tumbling out of my swollen lips. I gently pull my fingers out of his mouth and he opens his eyes again, his pupils blown wide. “I love you.” He smiles like an idiot and I place a kiss on his nose.

“I love you too. Now, this is going to hurt, ‘k?” I tell him and he nods a bit as I slide my hand back down his lower back. I place a finger at his entrance and he gasps, moving back a tiny bit then forward again, not sure of what to do.

I gently grip his hip for support and place my lips against his as I slide the first finger in, trying to distract him from the pain. He groans in discomfort as I slowly wait for him to adjust and I pull away for a moment, connecting our foreheads, both of us panting. “It’ll feel better soon, JoJo. I promise.” I murmur in his ear and he nods softly, squeezing his eyes shut. “Okay, I’m going to move now.”

I slowly start to pump my finger in and out of him and soon his noises of pain turn to pleasure. After a while I add a second finger and after deciding he was prepped enough I pull my fingers out and quickly unbuckle my belt and slide my pants and boxers off, climbing back onto the bed once I finished.

“What’chya doing?” Josh asks, a look of innocence and purity washing over him as he had no idea what was happening. I crawl under the covers and slowly pump myself,  beckoning with my free hand for josh to lay next to me. Josh gets on his all fours and crawls under the covers, our naked bodies lightly brushing.

“Are you ready to feel real good, baby?” His face goes a completely different shade of red at my question, moving his head in a slight nod. I uncover both of us and Josh’s eyes wander down to my crotch. He then quickly looks away and covers his face.  

“Is that a piercing on you.” He silently whispers, looking out the window.

I look down at my dick and blush, realizing that I hadn’t taken out the piercing before starting. I quickly undo and and set it on the windowsill.

“I took it out, is that better?” He looks back at me and then looks away, he’s clearly embarrassed at the fact that I’m also naked. I sit up and place a hand on his shoulder, “look this will feel good, just do what I say.” He runs a hand through his blue hair and nods.

“Do you think you can sit on me?” He glances at my dick and slowly brings himself over me. I grab his hips and gently lower him onto me. I look at his face when he sits down all the way, he gasped and made a face of discomfort. I let him sit for a second, rubbing his hips and trailing my hands down his chest. He relaxes a bit and that’s when I know we can continue.

“Now move.” He ever so slowly lifts himself up before bringing himself back down. “Oh…” Is all he gets out before leaning down and kissing me. I kiss him harshly back and moan into his lips as he starts to move at a slow pace.

“Fas...ter.” He breathes, kissing me once more. My fingers trail up his chest once more before connecting to his neck. I tighten my grip around his neck as he continues to ride me. The moans of pleasure erupting from him only grew louder as I strengthened my grip. After a few seconds of this I realize he’s getting tired so I place my hands on his hips and thrust into him at an unforgiving pace.

Tears start to slide down his cheeks as I feel myself nearing my climax. I stop thrusting and let him continue at his own pace and yank on his dick, flicking my thumb over his slit every time I came back up.

“Oh, Bear!” He yells while cumming all over my stomach. I once more resume grabbing his hips and fuck him relentlessly until I cum inside him. He gets off me and flops into the bed. Both of us we’re panting and sweaty from the recent activity.

“We stink.” I scrunch up my nose and he giggles a bit, burying his face in my chest. “Shower?” I ask as I sit up, him giving a whimper because I moved from our comfy position.

“But-” He starts to complain but I cut him off.

“But, we stink and do you really want mama to have to smell sex in her house?” That shuts him up and he silently stands from his bed, crossing the room and pulling two towels out of his dresser before motioning for me to follow him into the bathroom.

We enter the small space and he sets the towels down before turning the taps, filling the tub with warm water. “Go ahead, bear. I’m going to go take the sheets off.” Josh smiles and places a kiss on my shoulder before turning on his heel and leaving the room.

I gently lower myself into the water after twisting the taps off, Josh coming in a few minutes later.

I crack an eyelid open and grin up at him, my brain still foggy from the recent events. I sit up and put my back against the back of the tub, gesturing for Josh to sit in front of me. He quickly climbs in and sits in between my legs, leaning his back and head against my chest.

“I love you.” I mutter as I place a kiss to the top of his head and his eyelashes graze his cheeks as he closes his eyes.

“I love you too, bear.” He smiles and I pull him impossibly closer.


I’m awoken to the sound of my phone vibrating on my bedside table. Without even bothering to look at my phone, I answer it with a groan. “Hello?”

I hear Josh’s excited voice from the other end of the phone and immediately smile. “Bear! Have you opened your eyes yet!?” He practically yells and I wince, pulling the phone away from my ear a bit.

“No?” I question and start to open my eyes, immediately being blinded by the sun. As soon as I swing a hand up to shield my eyes I gasp and drop my phone onto the blanket below me. “Woah,” I breathe out and I can hear a small giggle from Josh. “Do you want to come over?” I ask after picking my phone up and placing it against my ear again.

“Sure, I’ll be there soon.” Josh says then hangs up, leaving me alone. I flop back onto my bed with a happy sigh, everything is so pretty.

a/n spooky: oml well that happened you guys. sorry this is up a day late :/

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