.:9:. (Tyler)

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Josh laughs from his perch on the counter as Zack continues his story while flipping a pancake on the griddle. “All I’m saying is, it’s not a bad dick.” Zack chuckles and Josh loses it, falling off of the counter from laughing so hard.  

“Darn it, Zack. You killed him.” I sigh dramatically and Josh laughs even harder.


“Dinner is served.” Zack claps his hands together while throwing pancakes onto Josh and I’s plates. Josh giggles a bit and scoots closer to me, stretching his arm across my bare chest to reach the syrup.

“I could’ve just handed it to you, you know?” I smile and he blushes a bit.

“I know.” He bites his lip as he focuses on pouring the syrup evenly onto all of his pancakes, and I ignore his comment.

Does he like me? Heck, do I like him? Pfft, of course I like him. Josh laughing at another one of Zack’s stories is what snaps me out of my thoughts.

“You okay?” Zack asks as I help him wash the dishes, Josh currently snuggled into a blanket on the couch.

“Yeah, ‘m fine.” I mumble and he gives me an unbelieving look.

“Okay, whatever you say, TyGuy.” He shrugs and I raise my eyebrows, surprised he hadn’t pushed the topic any further. “Now, go hang out with Josh.” He smiles and I offer to continue helping but he pushes me away, towards the couch.

“Hey, Bear.” Josh smiles and scoots closer as I sit down next to him.

“Hey, JoJo.” I smile back and he buries his face into my chest.

“I don’t wanna go home.” His voice is muffled and I laugh a bit before sending him an apologetic smile.

“I know, baby, I know.” I pull him closer to my chest and wrap him in a tight hug while kissing the top of his head, causing him to smile.

“Thanks.” He beams and Zack walks into the room, a grin stretching his face as he looks at us, shaking his head a bit. “D-do you think I could have another one?” Josh asks while motioning to the box of cigarettes sitting in the same place they were earlier.

“Sure.” I respond as he reaches an arm out to grab the drug and the lighter that is sitting right next to it. I light it for him after he struggles with it for a minute and he glares at me.

“I could have done it myself.” He pouts and I chuckle while throwing Zack the box and lighter after lighting one for myself.

“Sure, you could’ve.” He playfully punches my arm while inhaling the smoke without a problem. Zack smirks at me from across the room and I roll my eyes, Josh not noticing because he is staring at the ground, thinking about things. “Hey, are you okay?” I place my hand on his shoulder, pulling him away from his thoughts.    

“Hmm? O-oh, not really.” He says his eyes starting to water.

“Hold on, do you want to go to my room to get some privacy to talk about this?” I stand and he nods while sniffling, following me down the hallway to my bedroom. “What’s the matter, JoJo?” I set him down onto my bed and wrap my arms around him.

He bursts out sobbing and I stroke his hair soothingly. “M-m-m-mama said I couldn’t see you ever again.” Sobs rack his body and I pull him away from my chest, wiping his tears away with my thumbs.

“Shh, shh, of course we’ll still see each other. We just have to be extra sneaky.” I say the last sentence in a whisper and he giggles.

“T-thanks, Tyler.” He smiles up at me and I press a kiss to his forehead.

“Are you going to go home? Mama will actually kill you if she finds out you came here.”

“I want to stay, but you’re right.” He groans and I squeeze his hand.

“What time does your mom leave for work in the morning?” I ask, a plan on how I can see Josh starting to form in my head.

“Seven, why?” He gives me a strange look before he realizes why I asked.

“What time does she get off of work?”

“Five, and her lunch break is at One.” He states and I nod.

“Okay, so, you could come over after she leaves, go back home around noon, that way it’s not suspicious or anything, then go back home around four?” I plan and he nods.

“Yeah, sounds good.”

As we’ve been talking, I’ve noticed that he has moved closer and closer to me. I lean in and his eyes flutter shut and I take a moment to admire his beauty. At the exact moment when our lips are about to meet Zack knocks on the door, causing us to both jump onto opposite sides of the bed.

“Uh, Ty, there’s a really, really, really angry woman outside right now.” He slowly opens the door and Josh’s eyes go wide.

“Shit,” I mutter while standing and walking into the hallway, Josh in tow.

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