.:11:. (Tyler)

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“Josh!” I shout as his mother drags him out of my room. I groan as I stand up, my lip aching. I run into the hallway just as the front door slams closed, Zack standing in the middle of the living room with a shocked expression. “God damn it!” I scream before punching the wall, my fist easily sinking into the drywall. I slide down the wall while hot angry tears run down my face. “It’s my fault. It’s my fucking fault. I ruined his fucking life.” I mutter to myself while slamming my fist onto the ground a few times.

Zack slowly approaches me and slings an arm around my shoulder, rubbing small circles on my back. “Hey, it’s not your fault.”

“That bitch ripped out my snek bite gersh damn it, zeck.” I cri onto his shioulder nand he gats up to find jish. “Tyty I found him!” he yells from outsidde of the house. I run outsidde and long story short Jishwa and I did the gosh diddly darn fiddle diddle hanky panky wanky wip wop frick frack snick snack fruit snack frack attack in each othrs pants right thar on the sidewalk and then everyone from the town watched and were like “yAs” jishwa’s momther was very unpleasedhappy. ADHAhaahahahah we pranked you again *airhorns*  

(okay its time for the actual story) “I disagree, but whatever.” I shrug and get up, much more calm than I was a few minutes ago. I walk into the bathroom and pull my box of various piercing cleaners and rings out from underneath of the sink, before examining my lip.

Good thing I have champagne cocaine gasoline and most things inbetween to fix my gerd dem lerp, I think to myself because while jishwa and I were doing the gosh diddly darn fiddle diddle hanky panky wanky wip wop frick frack snick snack fruit snack frack attack in each othrs pants right thar on the sidewalk jishwa screeched daddy and bits my lerp rlly hrd and i scream gotta tylr josephs basketball career holy crap you guys send us help we need to stop

Good thing I have extra studs, I think to myself while letting go of my lip and pulling out a plain silver stud to replace the one that mama ripped out while pulling Josh out of my room. I clean the blood off of my lip with a small hiss then slide the piercing into its place, slipping the back onto it before walking into the living room and collapsing onto the couch.

I contemplate calling Josh for a second but quickly think against it, that won’t help him at all.  

a/n spooky: if you were wondering about the short story things they're there because I wrote this chapter at 11 pm and Livi and I were talking and we're actually insane, oops.

a/n heh we get a litttttle crazy. but can i say we were actually dying while rereading those little short story things

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