.:29:. (Josh)

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Tyler sits down next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. I curl up close to him and sob into his bright red shirt, leaving giant, blotchy tear stains.

"What is she sick with?" He cautiously asks in a quiet voice. I just shake my head, not wanting to tell him, and continue to weep. "I'm so sorry." He whispers, grabbing my hand and rubbing soothing circles around my palm as he leaves scattered kisses around my face and neck in attempts to cheer me up. My weeping momentarily stops and I take in all of Tyler's kisses. He'd place one on my cheek and then cuddle me, place one on my nose then cuddle me more.

"I love you, JoJo. We'll push through this together." He whispers, trailing his fingers up and down my arm.

"I love you too, bear."

--7 months later--

My hands were firmly gripped around the cold, white poles of the hospital bed. Hot tears were sliding down my face as I watched Mama's chest slowly raise up and down, her pity attempts in breathing only failing as the time passes.

The beeping of machines sets a dark tension in the air; a sick reminder that Mama's time was only coming closer to an end. I loosen my grip on the bed and wipe stray tears as I see the familiar brunet boy walk inside.

"How's she doing?" He asks quietly, taking a seat next to me.

"She's g-going to Heaven soon." I barely choke the words out as I spoke. The thought of Mama leaving and heading up to the stars was unbearable.

"Sunshine, I'm so sorry." Mama's eyes fluttered open as he spoke. They searched the room for a few seconds until they found her beloved son. She smiles at me.

"J-Josh." The sound of her voice only made me weep more. It sounded as if she hadn't spoken in years but only yesterday she had talked to me. "I-I'm sorry for not being the best m-mother I could. I-I got mad for you smoking just once. I j-just wanted you to be pure and be-beautiful, but once you met T-tyler, I realized I cou-couldn't keep you from that forever. I got s-scared and decid-decided it would be better if you didn't see him anymore but now look at you two, soulmates. I-I wish I could've changed things but now here I am, I could die any second and w-wouldn't be able to fix anything," Mama was now crying, her small sobs wracked her tiny frame and whenever she coughed it would send the most violent spasm through her body.

"Pl-please don-don't say th-that, Mama. You-you-you're going to live," I was now crying uncontrollably.

"No," she sighs, "I'm going to Papa." She coughs once more and the beeping monitor decreases ever so slowly. Mama looks up at me, tears glistening against her eyes. "Before I go, can you sing me something? I only want to die listening to my son's voice." Tyler shifts awkwardly next to me.

I quickly think of a song to sing and grab her hand, "You are my sunshine," she closes her eyes as the monitor slowly comes to a stop, "my only sun-sunshine." She lets out a faltered breath. "You make me happy," beep... beep... beeep. "Wh-when sk-skies are gr-grey." Beep....... Beep "You'll n-never know, dear," silence. "H-how m-m-much I-i l-l-ove you s-so please-please d-don't t-take m-m-my sunshine away... Mama?" No reply. "Mama?!" Nurses come into the room, holding a few contraptions in their hands. "Mama!" I scream, tears falling from my face.

Tyler grabs a hold of me and a few nurses start pushing us out. I thrash in Tyler's grip but he picks me up and takes me out. I struggle to look back at Mama as they place a white sheet over her.

a/n oli: :(

a/n lainie: *is literally crying*

a/n oli: im sorry i write depressing things

a/n lainie: did you mean: me

a/n oli: no lol

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