.:31:. (Jenna)

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My eyes slowly open. Everything was blurry and there was a blinding light shining down on me. I blink a few times, trying to fight off the grogginess, until everything is refocused.

I try to lift up my hands, but it's then when I notice I have been strapped to a table.

Looking around, I notice that Spooky was standing by a stone wall holding something that had a cloth draped over it. He strolls over and the object still in his hand and places it on a small metal table. He leans down next to me and crasesses my cheek with the back of his hand, "Blurry is gonna be down here with the torch soon, don't worry."

"The torch?" I squeak out. The way Spooky had said it seemed loving and happy, but I could see behind his eyes that he had something dark planned.

Spooky goes back to the object and rips off the fabric he had draped over it. He revealed a small cage with a rather large creature in it. It's back was hunched with fur sticking up all over the place and two sharp teeth poked out from its mouth. A rat. They had caged up a rat.

"Wh-what are you going to do with it?" I cry out, but before Spooky had a time to answer, the wooden door leading into this room swung open. There stood Blurry with an unlit torch in his hand. He smirks and lays the torch on the table. I try looking at the makeshift torch but struggle from all the ropes that had been tied to me.

Blurry reaches down and grabs my hand. I try to jerk it away but end up slicing my wrists on the rope.

"Will you, Jenna Black, do the honors of being my queen?" I scoff at him, anger radiating from me, "what a way to ask, tying up a girl and cutting them, electrocuting them. You at least could've asked nicely." At this point, I barely felt a smile deep inside me.

Blurryface went quiet, stood up, and grabbed the torch. He headed back to the door where he had entered and flicked off the light that was blinding me.

Everything was dark until I hear a scratching noise. Suddenly, everything was illuminated by a single torch. He held the torch in his hand and grabbed the cage with the rat. He pulled up my shirt and placed the rat cage on my stomach.

I couldn't get a good look at what Blurry was doing as it was a little dark and all he had was a makeshift torch, but I felt the bottom of the cage slip off. The tiny feet of the rat scratching my stomach and leaving slight cuts, but not enough to leak blood.

"I'm asking one more time, will you do the honors of being my queen?" He asks a little more aggressively than the first time. I narrow my eyes and scoff, "who would want to be your queen?" I could tell Blurry had had it.

He holds the torch over the cage until I felt the metal of the cage heating up. The rat let out a desperate squeak as it tried to find a way out of the cage.

I let out a cry when I feel the teeth of the rat start biting into my belly. It continues to bite me until I feel it break through many layers of my skin. Blood was now pooling onto my stomach and ugly sobs were escaping my lips.

"What are you doing?!" I scream, feeling the claws of the rat dig into the bloody flesh.

"This rat is hungry and just needs a way out." He simply shrugs. I scream out when I feel its teeth rip into me even more, possibly even exposing part of my ribcage. The pain was becoming excruciatingly unbearable and the heat from the metal was burning into the bits of my skin that weren't torn up or aten.

Tears were streaming out of my eyes and my vision was going blurry from the blood loss, "stop!" I scream, "please stop this! I will be your queen, just please... make it stop." The faint light illuminating Blurryface showed that he'd smirked. He pulls the light away and flips on the switch, beaming with triumph.

"I'm glad we could both come to agreements." He takes the cage off and grabs the rat. I feel it's tiny claws desperately search for something to grab on as it hooks one of its tiny claws into another chunk of my flesh.

"I wouldn't look at your stomach if I were you." Blurry laughs as he walks out the door, leaving me to bleed out.

a/n oli: this chapter is something else

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