.:16:. (Tyler)

730 43 15

"Zack! Are you going to the town meeting?" I call from the kitchen, Tyler circling my feet while I make a sandwich.

"I don't know, should I?" He shrugs, walking in and stealing an apple from the counter.

"I'm just going to see Josh. His mom probably won't let me near him though." I frown and Zack nods a bit.

"Okay, I'll go then."


We walk through the crowded doorway and I immediately spot Josh and his mom sitting in the two seats next to the aisle, a few rows up. There's two open seats next to Josh and I decide to try my luck and approach them.

"C-can I sit there?" I ask mama with hopeful eyes and she looks up from her crossword puzzle, reading glasses pushed down her nose.

"Why would you want to sit there, by Joshua?" She spits and I shrink back a little, she really doesn't like me.

"Because he's my friend, mama, and just because he decided to try something new doesn't mean he shouldn't be able to see me." I spit back at her and she lets out an annoyed huff, standing and pulling Josh to another area in the hall.

I flop into the seat away from the aisle and place my head in my hands, running my fingers through my hair a few times to calm myself down. I truly have messed up his life, I think as Zack takes his seat next to me, looking at me for a moment before turning back to where the mayor is now standing at the center of the stage.

I continue to keep my head down, fiddling with a loose string on the hem of my shirt, feeling my throat start to close up. "Z-zack," I manage to croak out quietly. He doesn't seem to hear me so I kick his shoe lightly.

"Hmm?" He hums and peels his gaze away from the stage.

"I-I need to leave now," I dart my eyes around the room a few times and the walls feel like they're closing in around me, the spacious area suddenly feeling small and claustrophobic.

"Hey, there's only a few more minutes of this meeting. Do you think you can make it?" He questions, rubbing relaxing circles on my shoulders.

I nod and attempt to swallow the lump in my throat, failing, as my airways seem to constrict even more. I turn around slightly and look at Josh, who is staring back at me. I quickly turn around and put my head down again.


As soon as I unlock the front door of the house with shaky hands I open it and sprint to my bedroom, tears that I had been holding in falling down my eyelashes and onto my cheeks.

"It's my fault, it's my fault." I mutter while curling into a ball in the same spot where Josh and I tried to hide from mama, a few drops of blood dried on the floor from when my stud was ripped out. "I've done so much to him without even realizing it. I've ruined a perfectly good friendship. He has to sit with mama watching him like a hawk, receiving beatings every time he does something she doesn't like." I hear Zack slowly walk in and shut the door softly behind himself, retreating further into the corner at the noise.

"Ty?" He takes a few cautious steps into the room, scanning the dark space in front of him. Once he finds me he sits down next to me and pulls me into his lap, stroking my hair soothingly. "It's okay."

"No, Zack, it's not. Can you not see the effect I've had on this boy? I-I've ruined his fucking life, Zack." I break down into sobs again and he grabs my face and forces me to look at him.

"Yes, I can see the effect you've had on Josh.... you've made him happy, Tyler. You're blind if you can't see that. He's always so fucking happy to see you. His eyes crinkle at the edges, and his tongue pokes through his teeth slightly, and he blushes whenever you compliment him, he loves you, Tyler." He whispers and I shake my head a bit, only for him to immediately shush me. "Don't even try to disagree with me. Get up right now and call him and apologize if you feel the need to. Hell, go to his house for that matter." He smiles and I wipe my tears, quickly standing.

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