.:18:. (Jenna)

567 43 15

“Oh, okay.” I cautiously respond as he takes my hand and places sloppy kisses along each of my knuckles, causing me to shudder in disgust.

“So, how are you liking Hometown so far, dear?” He questions while we walk past more guards, all of them immediately bowing in his presence.

“It’s great.” I lie and he claps his hands together excitedly.

“I’m glad you like it. I try to keep it nice for the newcomers.” He gleefully turns a corner and a guard pulls the door open for us. Inside is a long hall that splits in two directions at the end. Along each wall are cells, not empty cells, cells with people in them. Hundreds and hundreds of them packed into the small spaces. I get a chill down my spine as some of them stare at me with pleading eyes, others with eyes dazed and glazed over.

“W-why are they here?” I croak out while keeping my eyes on the ground in front of me to avoid their stares.

“Oh, you’ll learn about them soon enough, dear.” He flashes a sinister grin and my heart stops for a moment, what does that mean?

We take a left when we get to the fork in the hallway and pass a door that is slightly cracked open. From inside I hear a blood curdling scream and quickly increase my pace, trying to keep up with Blurryface.

“Spooky!” Blurryface calls as we enter a large chamber with a few chairs and a large fireplace in the center of the wall.

“Hmm?” A man with what seemed to be dyed hair appears out of a stairwell that I hadn’t seen at first next to the fireplace.

“Spooky, meet Jenna. Jenna meet Spooky Jim.” He gestures back and forth between us while introducing us to each other.

“Is she the one?” He asks Blurryface, who nods.

“Yep. Now, Jenna, follow Spooky and he will show you to your quarters.” Blurryface turns on his heel and exits the room, leaving me to follow Spooky to where I will apparently be staying.

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