.:27:. (Jenna)

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"Jenna?" I hear Blurry call out again. He opens the bathroom door slowly and sees me curled in a ball on the dirty floor.

"Wh-what do you want?" I shakily whisper as I scoot farther away from him.

"I won't hurt you, honey. I promise." He reaches out to me and I swat him away. He immediately reaches for me again and catches my hand when I try to hit him again. "Come with me now, or else you won't be happy." He hisses and I whimper before standing. "Now, follow me." He smiles before walking back out of my bedroom door, waving for me to follow him.

He takes a few turns and I struggle to keep up, he eventually leads us to a hallway with cells on both sides, like the one I was in when I first came inside, but hall is darker. "What is this?" I gasp as I see people in each of the cells, some are muttering to themselves while others are staring at the walls of the small rooms blankly.

"These people, my dear, are people who have betrayed me and my servants. Once you run out of birdseed you get sent here and I decide what to do to you." He claps happily and I scoff, disgusted.

"You kill innocent people, that's sick." I spit as I slowly back away and try to run from him down the hallway but he grabs my wrist and pulls me backwards, hard, before I can make it far. "Let go of me!" I shriek as he yanks me up and pins my wrists behind my back.

"Now where do you think you're going?" He whispers in my ear and I shudder, trying to squirm out of his grasp.

"Away from here. A-away from you." I kick my legs and he growls before squeezing my arm to make me stop.

"Spooky!" He yells and hear footsteps in the distance, the beanie adorned head appears moments later at the end of the hall.

"Yes?" He asks as Blurry hands me over to him.

"Take her there. Don't be too mean before I come in, got it?" He asks and Spooky nods curtly, dragging me down the hall as my eyes widen.

"W-where are you taking me?!" I panic as Blurry walks around the corner from where we came, shaking his head. Spooky doesn't respond, just pulls me into a room and locks the door behind him,

When he flicks on the lights, I see the chair in the middle of the room and all of the equipment. I gulp in fear as Spooky straps me into the chair. "Stay quiet or else you'll make things worse." He warns as he walks across the room to a cabinet, opening it quickly and pulling out a knife and a few syringes.

He slowly wanders back over and tilts my chin up with his index finger and thumb. He gently presses the blade against my cheekbone, the cold metal biting into my skin, but not breaking it yet. He carefully slides the blade across my skin and I can feel the warm blood start to trickle down my face in slow, lazy streams. I feel tears prick in my eyes as he starts on the next cheek. I let out a whimper and he pinches me on the neck, silently shushing me.

When he is satisfied with the bleeding marks on my face he walks backwards a bit and smiles a crooked, demented smile. He approaches again and makes another set of lines, deeper this time, right below the first. A few tears run into the cuts and I cry harder, causing Spooky to slap me. He places the knife on a nearby tray and presses a button on the wall, walking out afterwards.

A few minutes later my vision goes fuzzy around the edges and I fall back in the chair, letting the darkness over take me.

When I wake up Blurryface is sitting in a chair across from me, a smirk on his lips as he leans forward to touch the now sealed over gashes on my face. I hiss as he grazes the pad of his thumb over one of them.

"Now, now, dear. Spooky told me you cried?" I nod slightly and he shakes his head. "You mustn't cry, dear." He grabs a few probes that are connected to a machine nearby and attaches them to my temples, my droopy eyelids going as wide as they can in my sleep induced state. "When I talk to you, you need to use your words, okay?" He explains and I nod sluggishly. "What did I just say?" He snaps as a jolt of electricity courses through my brain, making me scream out in agony.

"T-that I-I ne-need to u-use my words." I stutter as my head rolls back and hits the hard wood behind it.

"Good." Blurryface hums in content as he turns a dial on the machine until it clicks. "Did you fight Spooky?" He asks and I start to nod before correcting myself and sputtering out a 'yes'. Another shock jerks through my head and I squeeze my eyes shut, hands balling into fists on the chair arms.

The cycle goes on for what seems like hours; Blurry asks a question and if my answer displeases him I get a shock more powerful than the last.

Eventually, as another shockwave racks my small frame, my vision goes black and I fall unconscious.

a/n lainie: well wow (i feel like I've left the exact same authors note before but do i care? nOpE)

a/n oli: wow, aren't you just a ray of sunshine today?

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