.:6:. (Jenna)

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The bus hits a few rough patches in the road, jolting me from my sleep, and I see them. Hundreds upon thousands of birds staring at the vehicle driving past from their perches on powerlines, roofs, trees, anything their razor-sharp claws can grip onto. I shudder and lay me head back down on my shoulder, only to be disrupted again, this time by the screeching of the old bus’s brakes.

“Off!” The driver yells causing a few people, including me, to jump and quickly gather their things. By things I mean a single backpack full of whatever you could fit and a small bag of birdseed.

Everyone shuffles off of the bus and walks into the town hall with their heads down, the line of people barely fitting into the small space. I reach the front of the line slowly, a pair of keys being shoved into my hand.

“House number 9253.” An old woman in glasses glares at me and I quickly avert my gaze to the grey tiles below my feet.

“T-thank you.” I mutter as I walk out of the hall, heading to my new home.

a/n spooky: sorry this was published so late I just barely wrote it because some personal stuff came up and I didn't feel like writing :/ but it's better now and I'm ok :) this is pretty much just the teaser for Jenna's P.O.V and oli and I are going to take turns writing these chapters so yeah I hope you've had a good day :)

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