.:28:. (Tyler)

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there, a drawing of tyler by oli. I'll make one of josh next

"Bear?" Josh asks while climbing onto my lap.

"Hmm?" I hum as I turn the t.v. down so it's just a low drone in the background.

"I'm sorry." He whispers while nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

"Sorry for what?" I furrow my brows together in confusion.

"For getting mad, I shouldn't have." He sighs and looks at the ground.

"There's no need to apologize, JoJo. I shouldn't have left you like that." I airly laugh and he glares at me.

"No, you shouldn't have, you meanie pants." He sticks out his bottom lip and I kiss him quickly, catching him off guard. When I pull away he immediately connects our lips again.

"Someone's a little eager, I see." I laugh.

-- (timeskip because im a hoe :))
I hear my phone start to buzz from where it was discarded on my nightstand as I finish pulling my shirt on, Josh still struggling to pull his pants onto his body that was still damp from the shower we had just taken. (a/n wink wink wonk)

I walk over and look at the caller id before answering. "Hello?"

"Hi, Tyler. Can I by chance speak to Joshua?" She sweetly asks and I look up to see Josh finally dressed.

I place my hand over the microphone and talk to Josh. "Your mom wands to speak to you, jujishwa."

I hand the phone over to jujishwas and his mum shrieks "yOURE A WIZARD JUJISHWA" and hangs up and the world turns up down and sideways and we lost the war and jijushwa an i died once more his momther was very unpleasedhappy ......gOSH DIDDLY DARN IT WHY DO WE HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS

I place my hand over the microphone and talk to Josh. "Your mom wants to talk to you." I hand the phone over as he finishes tugging his sweater over his head. I hear Mama's muffled voice, but I can't make out any words as Josh sinks to the ground. He doesn't say goodbye as he gently presses the button to hang up the call and sets the phone on the ground near him, pulling his knees up to his chest and burying his head in his sleeve. I sit next to him and pull him onto my lap, kissing his forehead. "What's the matter, JoJo?"

"I-it's mama." He finally lets the tears he had been holding in spill as I run my fingers through his hair soothingly.

"What happened?" I cautiously ask.

"S-she's sick...and the doctor's don't think she has much longer to live." He sobs into my shoulder. "M-maybe half a year."

a/n lainie: oh snap cliffhanger guys have fun oli ;)

a/n oli: thank i enjoy

a/n lainie: g00d you ungrateful cock

a/n oli: thanks hoe

a/n lainie: anytime ;)

a/n oli: swiggity swoice

a/n lainie: yo I got a soul voice


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