Chapter 11

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"You're a monster too, y/n. Come with us and have some fun."

"I'm... a monster?" I said.

"Yes. You, are just like us."

I look up and saw this woman with black short hair. She was wearing a short and a shirt with flowers.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because we accept you for who you are. You can feel safe at home with us." She said.

"I... am still waiting for that boy." I siad.

"But didn't he ran away because he found out?" She said.

"That's not true! I'm not a monster either! I'm not a monster!" I said.

Slowly, they back away and my hair turned blue. This weird dream kept appearing. Suddenly I thought of the boy. He was so close, but I can only see partial of his face. He has quite some long hair, but it wasn't that long.

'But... am I monster?' I thought.

"That was why he ran away? Because he thought that I was going to kill him in the future? That can't be... But.. I'm pretty sure that he has found a better girl than someone like me." I said. "Afterall, I'm just a 14 year old monster? I can't love.."

Tears drip down my cheeks. The vision in front of me blurs and the boy was gone...

"Am I wrong to love someone?!" I yell.

I woke up sweating and tears coming out of my eyes. Sweat drip down as I got up. I wipe my sweat and tears away.

'Ah... My shirt is wet. How much did I sweat just 'cause of the dream? Oh well, gotta go shower.' I thought.

I went to shower and stay there for 30 minutes. I got out and dress.

'Am I... a monster?' I thought. 'Maybe I should stop learning nen. That dream comes a bit more often now. I shouldn't use nen to hurt others.'

Killua came and opens the door.

"Knock at least." I said.

"Yesterday you asked why I was knocking, so this time I did it without knocking and now you want me to knock again?" He said.

I sigh and said, "Nevermind. I still have an hour left before my first match."

'I better not fall in love with Killua or Gon or any other guys.' I thought. 'But.. I also don't want a one-sided love just from Killua. Or does he even like me? He shouldn't have asked me to be his fiancee if he knows I don't like him, but... haven't I fallen too deep already?.... I think... I've already..'

"Then let's go on a date." He said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Huh?" I look at him blankly.

He turns around and said, "Don't make me repeat! It's embarrassing! Let's go on a date!"

I could tell that he was blushing. For now, I'll keep learning nen to defend myself and be with Killua. So I smile at him and said, "Sure."

Killua x female reader: Assassin's BrideWhere stories live. Discover now