Chapter 14

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I put the lunch away after he was done eating. I set the lunch down and sat next to him by the bed.

"Y/n..." Killua said.

"Yes?" I said.

"I feel like you've gotten bolder."

I blush and cover half of my face while saying, "Of course! I'm showing you my-" I pause.



"I can't come and watch your match.."

"Oh, if it's that, I'm not doing it anymore. I'm staying at a room that I booked."


"Because if I went to the match, I wouldn't be able to spend everyday wih you."

He looks up and down at me. He doesn't look happy, but instead serious.

"What are you planning to do? What is it that's on your mind that I can't read?" He said.

He leans onto me. I pat his head and said, "I can't tell you yet."

"Tell me." He said.


"I'll kiss you."

I felt myself getting red through out my face and ears. I was so happy that I get to spend time with him before we part.


He looks at me blushing, getting up from my shoulder.

"H-Hey.. that was a joke... I do.. want to but.. " He got quiet at the end.

"I..." I said.

"Now's the perfect time to tell you." He said.

"Huh?" I said.

"How are you feeling? Have you fallen for me yet? It's been on my mind ever since.." He said.

I laugh a bit. He looks at me blushing a bit.

"I'm being serious here, so tell me, y/n." He said.

"I'll tell you when I come and give you your dinner." I said.

I got off the bed and head towards the door. As I got up, I felt a hand grabbing my arm. I got pull back and into someone's arm. Killua was holding me tightly around his arms and was stubbornly refusing to let go.

"Tell me. I can't wait until dinner." He said.

He had somewhat a sad yet serious looking kind of face. I turn around to face him. He looks at me determinedly. My hand went up and push his bangs back and I kiss him on the forehead. He lets me go and touches his forehead.

"I said that I'll tell you at dinner, so wait patiently," I said, "and don't get out of your bed or else your wounds will open again. Then again I might not tell you."

He slumps back on his bed blushing red.

When I got back, I realized that we had never ate that morning. My heart felt the regret coming in, but it was too late to be regretting it.

I waited some time passes and then make dinner. I ate before going to the hospital again. I got to the hospital and walk into Killua's room. It was getting a bit dark.

"He doesn't want to eat." A nurse said.

"I'll convince him, I have his dinner here. Everyday I'll be making his meals." I said.

"Ah, okay." The nurse said and went out the door.

The door closes behind me and I look at Killua. He looks at me and walks up to me.

Killua x female reader: Assassin's BrideWhere stories live. Discover now