I'm a selfish asshole
It rings through my head
When you tell me you tried
To become deadWhere was I?
Complaining about my own problemsYou never responded to my messages
You had told me you were grounded
And that was enough
For me
To think
You were okay
Well reality check!
Nothing's okay!
Nothing's okay
While the demons are at play!
While we cry!
Hidden behind a screen!
Our words never able to express
Our silent screams
Because words never explain
All the hurt and the pain!
And you never realize
That there's nothing to gain
From hiding emotions
But it's so fucking easy!
So fucking easy!
Through text
That everyone assumes the others okay
That everything's okayBut it's not
Nothing is fucking okay anymore

Nobody Was Meant to See
Poetry[Trigger Warning, please be safe when reading] They aren't supposed to know. They aren't meant to read these poems that I'm writing. I've concealed them for a reason. -Shitty poems about how I feel-