I'm an asshole.
They don't care. They dON'T CARE. THEY DON'T CARE.
Why did I have to open my mouth?
I'm being annoying again!
Why did I have to speak about my problems?!
Why can't I fake happiness like everyone else?
Why am I panicking?!
I'm an idiot!
It doesn't matter. What I'm saying doesn't matter. IT DOESN'T MATTER.
I need to not eat so much.
I'm complaining again, and it's so fucking annoying to others! Why can't I stop?!
Why can't I just act normal?!
Why can't I not be such a freaky asshole?!
Why can't I just not be a problem?Repeat repeat.
It's time for the hot seat!
Our guest today, is sadly me again.
I'm sorry it's not someone else.
Let's lookey here, the machine is on.
Ooh! Looks like today's a marathon.
Oh, it seems I'm convinced,
that these poems are shitty and worthless.
And that I shouldn't be complaining
like I do.
Oh look!
I'm getting nervous, that's nothing abnormal!
Oh look!
I'm questioning my gender again!
Oh look!
I hate myself even more!
Oh look, I'm mad at myself another time!
Oh look. I'm being all of the things I think!
Oh well, that was the brink of it all.
Sorry folks, that was a boring show.
But come back tomorrow, you never know when there's more.
The things I think are repeated every day.
But you never know,
because when a thought goes astray,
it always comes back.
And it brings another.
So come back tomorrow,
because something might be new.
Tomorrow's hot seat,
will have more of my complaining in queue.
Thank you for watching this episode of hot seat! See you next time!

Nobody Was Meant to See
Poetry[Trigger Warning, please be safe when reading] They aren't supposed to know. They aren't meant to read these poems that I'm writing. I've concealed them for a reason. -Shitty poems about how I feel-