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I think I'm making this up.
What if I'm bringing this upon myself?
What if I want to be like this?
Is my mood like makeup?
Can I put on a horrible feeling in the morning,
and wear it,
then take it off at night?
The night's always the worst though.
So if you're wearing that makeup you never take it off, it only melts in the glow.
Nobody want's to feel like shit emotionally all the time.
Nobody want's to hurt then pretend they're fine.
Nobody constantly wants to want to kill themselves or cut themselves or take all those pills in hopes of something else.
The human mind doesn't naturally want pain.
And it cannot create emotions it doesn't feel.
So if you're feeling it, it's not just an illusion.

Your feelings are real.
Your emotions aren't fake.
Your brain isn't a science experiment,
cut like a slice of cake.

You can't program or surgically implant depression.
You can't put on a layer of feelings you can't feel.

What your feeling is real,
and it matters.

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