Hey, I know this isn't a poem, and I'm really really sorry, but I just wanted to say something.
If you're going through a tough time, or you want a friend or anything else, I am always here for you. I care about each and every one of you so incredibly much and I hate to see such wonderful, inspirational, incredibly fucking kind, supportive, beautiful souls hurting. If you ever want to talk, about anything at all. From donut flavors to serious matters and everything in between, I am always there for you. I promise. Just message me or comment or anything of that sort because I promise I will not give up on you. I care about you with all of my heart and only want you to be happy and comfortable and safe. Each and every one of you deserves to be happy and to have comfort in your lives and if you don't I'll do anything at all that I can to help.
<3 <3 <3 Love you all so much. Thank you for being wonderfully amazing human beings.

Nobody Was Meant to See
Poetry[Trigger Warning, please be safe when reading] They aren't supposed to know. They aren't meant to read these poems that I'm writing. I've concealed them for a reason. -Shitty poems about how I feel-