Chapter 10

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Over the weekend, the girls spent a lot of time catching up with each other. On Saturday they went to the mall and during the day on Sunday the watched movies. It's evening time now and Violette's parent will be coming any time now to pick her up.

"I don't want you to go yet, the time flew by so fast." Scarlett said.

"Don't worry Scar, i'll probably be here more often than you think. I'm only 20 mintues away from you." Violette said.

"You mean 60 minutes away." Scarlett crossed her arms.

"So what, big deal. Only a few minutes difference." They laughed.

"Okay girls dinner is ready." Scarlett's father said.

They ate dinner and talked about many things, but Scarlett still remembers what Adrian said yesterday. She didn't want him to leave, for some strange reason she felt safer around him.

"Scarlett they're here." Violette said. Scarlett didn't say anything until they walked to the door, she stayed silent.

"I'll miss you so much." Scarlett said, her voice muffled because of hugging Violette.

"I'll miss you more." Violette said.

"Thank you for having me stay at your place Mr and Mrs. Frost." She said before she left.

"You can come anytime dear." Said Mrs. Frost.

They waved goodbye then closed the door.

"That was fun." Scarlett said sadly.

"I know you'll miss her, but that's part of life." Mrs Frost said.

"Mom." Scarlett started. "That didn't make any sense."

"I know, just trying to comfort you. And hey, you have really nice friends in your school missy. So you shouldn't be complaining." She pinched her cheeks. "Now get a goodnight sleep okay." She kissed her daughter's forehead and joined Mr. Frost in the family room. Scarlett made her way to her room and washed her face before going to bed. She didn't close her eyes, she couldn't sleep, the darkness in her room , impossibly, was getting darker. She felt alone again. She sat up on her bed and stared at her vanity's mirror, even though it was dark she could see some what of herself in there. Before she layed back down she could've sworn that she saw something or someone in the mirror.

"I think i'm just seeing things." She said to herself. When she went back to bed she heard a sinister laugh. Her eyes flew open. "Who's there?" She asked out loud. There was no response, all she heard were whispers. Scarlett felt herself sweating, she was clueless as to what was happening.

"Adrian?" She called out softly, hoping that it was him. "Adrian, this isn't funny." She grabbed onto her blanket, very tightly as if it would comfort her.

"You know Adrian?" Scarlett heard a female voice whisper close to her hear, it sent shivers down her spine. The breath was so cold, Scarlett had a bad feeling about this.

"Who is it?" She asked, trying to be brave, but the darkness pushing her will down.

"Well," the voice laughed. "If you know Adrian, then i'm sure you know me?" The voice said expecting Scarlett to soon realize who it was. And she did.

The realization hit her hard, "Amanda," She whispered to herself. Then she heard the shivering cackles of Amanda and suddenly the room lit up as if by candles.

"You're a smart one aren't you?" She asked racing to her with super speed and held her chin, as if she were to examine her.

"You are new to this town as well." She inhaled deeply of Scarlett's hair and poor Scarlett was quiet for her life and Adrian's. "You know about him." She said. "Where is he?" She asked her demanding.

Scarlett's eyes were glistening with hot tears ready to pour out. She didn't want to be bitten but she also couldn't tell Amanda where he was. Mainly because she didn't know where he went.

"I don't know." She said looking away whimpering.

"Don't play games with me, tell me the truth." Amanda snarled. Scarlett shook her head, she wouldn't want to risk him getting in trouble from the council. Amanda got closer if that was even possible, she resisted to do what any vampire would do. But to calm herself she just kept inhaling deeper, taking in Scarlett's scent.

"Amanda, please." Scarlett whimpered.

"Oh, poor baby." She mocked her, "How old are you anyway?" Amanda got up and smirked.

"Just please go away I don't know where Adrian is." She cried.

"Answer my question!" Amanda demanded.

"14." She said barely audible, Amanda nodded her head.

"Now, I don't think your parents would want their daughter to disappear and that too, at such a young age. So if you just tell me where Adrian is maybe I will spare your life." She grinned evilly and Scarlett held her breath forgetting to breath. Scarlett looked for her door, she was sucked in by the darkness of her room. She tried to make a run for it.

"Even if you try, you won't be able to escape." Scarlett was dumbfounded, Amanda could read her thoughts.

"Why are you after him?" Scarlett asked Amanda building up her courage.

"That is none of your business!" Amanda spat at Scarlett. "Well I guess you've made up your mind." She smirked at Scarlett, who was panicking and unable to move.

"Do not get any closer!" Scarlett looked around, she heard Adrian's voice.

"Adrian?" She sighed in relief. Amanda looked around frantically and let our a nasty snarl. She was beyond furious.

Adrian approached Amanda face to face and looked at her in disgust.

"First, you kill Leah from the wolf pack. Now you are victimizing Scarlett? What harm did she do to you? You probably don't even know her!" Scarlett was beyond astonished in a way. She had never seen Adrian so angry, that's because he has never been so angry. Amanda seemed to obey Adrian, Scarlett observed them. When Amanda seemed to calm down, Adrian went closer to Scarlett who was standing next to her bed now.

"Are you okay?" He asked generally concerned because she seemed very terrified.

"I'm fine." she said softly. Adrian held her shoulders ad sat her down on her bed.

"I am extremely sorry, for everything." He looked down feeling ashamed. Scarlett looked at Amanda who stood at the end of her bed, she was burning holes in Scarlett with her killer stare. But she ignored her and concentrated on Adrian. "I put you in possible danger." He looked up from staring down.

"I'm alive right?" she asked playfully and he laughed a little.

"I do not want to keep you all night, it is Monday tomorrow." He said standing up towering over Scarlett. She suddenly felt minuscule.

"Amanda, would you like to say something?" Adrian faced her and raised his eyebrow expectantly. She sighed and apologized.

"I am sorry Scarlett." Amanda said mono-toned. Adrian looked back at Scarlett and bent down.

He lead her to lie down and she did, surprisingly comfortable with him. "Adrian, I am going back home."Amanda informed Adrian and he nodded. She jumped out of the window and left Adrian and Scarlett.

Adrian was still bent over to Scarlett who was lying down. "Adrian, I'm not sleepy." she said.

"Don't worry, I can help with that." He said with a smile.

"How?" Scarlett asked curiously but he didn't reply to her but instead he intensely stared at Scarlett. He stared right into her eyes they turned auburn then golden and stayed that way. He slowly pulled the covers on her, as she stayed under his trance and her eyes slowly drifted away. After 5 minutes Scarlett drifted into her sleep, Adrian kissed her forehead and closed her window from the outside and then left into the wilderness. Looking for a way to fix the dark feud among them.

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